Waking Up. For The Second Time.

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Kaira's POV


When I opened my eyes all I saw was a bright light. There was something in my mouth, it was hard to breathe right. All I could hear was the steady beeping that was coming from somewhere to my right. Another set, but quieter this time, from my left. A pump like noise from behind me.

Where was I?

Where did Fate go?

"Oh my God." I heard someone gasp, and then run out of the room.

I still couldn't breathe right. I try to move my hands from my sides but they felt like rubber. They felt weak and heavy.

I knew what had happened. I've been in a coma, and from the condition of my body, probably a long time.

How did I get here? I close my eyes thinking it'll help with the brightness. When I open them again I see a guy standing there. Must be the doctor. I think to myself. That is if this is a hospital.

The tube from my mouth is gone, I can breathe mostly normal now, and the brightness level of this room seems to have dimmed.

I still couldn't move.

"This one's waking up too, doc!" I hear coming from my left.

I turn my head as fast as I could, but not fast enough that it would hurt, to see someone I haven't seen in what seems to be a very long time.

"Kaira." He said looking just as dazed as I felt.

I couldn't speak, and no I wasn't in shock. I literally just couldn't speak.
'Water.' I mouthed to him. When he gave me the cup he told me small sips, which I did. After a couple of small sips, I tried again. Nothing worked.

'What's going on?' I couldn't speak. My throat was feeling fine after the water.

Just then the doctor walked in. I motioned for paper.

De javu. Something about this moment reminded me of something.

The doctor gave me the notepad. I wrote down that I couldn't speak, and just as I was turning the paper around to show them, Tessa walked into the room.

I don't know how he was standing up still, I could see it in his body language that he was slowly losing it. Like the weight was bringing him down.

'Sit down, or better yet lay back down. I can see what's happening here and don't think that I can't.' I write to him. He does as asked, which was a good thing saying as he has just woken up, exactly as I have.

I remembered everything from what happened to me, Roree, Tessa. What I remember from school. The past 3 years of my life that I've been awake in the other world for.

I remember what happened in the limbo state with Fate and the reapers.

"Bambi! Roree! You guys are finally awake! It's been 2 years. Roree your mom and dad came everyday, Bambi our parents came when they could, you know them... " Tessa said coming over to sit on the side of my bed. She was going a mile a minute and it didn't look like she was going to stop anytime soon. She was super excited that we were awake.

She told us everything that has happened while we were 'gone.' Her words not mine.

I started getting tired again. You would think being asleep for 2 years you wouldn't be tired for a while. That definitely wasn't the case here.

I looked over to Roree and he was already fast sleep, so I grab the notepad in front of me and write what I needed to on it. I yawned a little to get the point across that I was tired.

I chucked the paper at Tessa, which she picked up off the ground and read.

"Okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow. And I'll tell everyone that you've woken up."

That sounded like a plan in my book.

I lay my head down on the pillow and get comfortable. Warm within the few blankets I managed to get from a few doctors. Roree helped me get them because I still couldn't speak.

With my head on the pillow, and rolled up in a ball, I shut my eyes and let the darkness take over.

This was the last chapter guys. I'm writing the epilogue as we speak, but after that this book is finished!

In The Blink of an Eye. (Complete)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu