Judgment Day.

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Don't judge me. ... Get it, because the title of the story is judgment day...

Anyways, some parts of this book are kind of morbid, and no my head isn't just a mass of morbid things running around.

Ok that sounds bad doesn't it? I'll just get on with the story.


The lights flash on. How ever long it's been since I was in this dark place was far too long. It must have been months. There was a guy, or at least a person, but because they were so far away I couldn't tell.

Slowly I get up. And when I say slowly I mean, I was picking my self up with a clothes pin slow.

Terrible analogy right? But I couldn't think of anything else to compare it with.

Anyways, back to the creepy guy standing in front of me. And I mean he wasn't really all that creepy... OK yeah bad choice of words.

He looked like a dark version of Gandalf. Maybe this is the grim reaper.

Nah, I seriously doubt they would be evil, I mean they're only there to take ghosts and spirits to another-.

Wait a minute, just wait one damn minute. I'm totally dead aren't I.

"I'm totally dead aren't I?" I ask Grim.

"No." The sound of his voice was like a wind in the trees on a dark and stormy night. It made shivers run up my arms and chills down my back.

"Then what am I? Because I'm pretty sure I'm not alive." I look at him skeptically.

"You have a choice small child. You can either stay here, or you can come with me to where ever fate might place you." He paused giving me a minute to think about the choices he gave me.

Something in my head clicks together. He never said what fate could have in store for me. Whether its heaven and hell or back down on earth. I wouldn't know.

"Wait. What could fate bring me?" I ask before I realized I spoke out.

"You should know. Saying a how you just thought of it." He gives me a look I know far to well. One that means I have the answer and have had it all along.

"Fate I want fate." Everyone knew I was gonna say that right? I mean it was the obvious choice. It could work in my favor, and I mean I'm a 14 year old girl. How much harm could I have done in 14 years to send me to hell?


I know this is a terrible chapter but this is kind how it need to go in order to get to the good part...

I know I haven't been writing much but I'll try for more when I can.. Its actually hard to juggle 2 jobs and school .. And then still have time for food and sleep..

I seriously think I passed out without doing any work the last time in was in one of my college classes... And that's apparently really difficult to do in such an animated class..

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