The Death Toll.

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Kaira's POV.

There was something wrong. Ever since last night I had this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I didn't know what to call it.

It was the same feeling I had the day of the accident. Right before the accident. Me and him fought that day, but it's been too long now since that day that I don't even remember what it was about.

Just trying to remember that day gives me headache, which I try to avoid.

And it's not like I don't want to remember what happened, because I do want to remember what happened. I want to remember what we were fighting about that day. What made him look away from the road for a split second.

What made the car go flying in the blink of an eye?

There was a reason all of that happened, and I wanted to know what it was.

I lost him, but I won't give up.

Roree's POV

I lost her and all I want to do is give up.

I haven't been able to sleep, and everything I eat just comes back up. This is hard. Maybe too hard, but if Kaira was here she would hate me for the way I was acting. And even though she wasn't really there for the last 2 years, there was still the hope that she would wake up. No matter what the doctors said.

She was getting better, she had better brain activity in the last month than ever before. Even the doctors thought she would wake up soon. Well some of them. Others figured that it's been so long since she was awake that even if she did wake up, the consequences could be dire. She could be paralyzed forever, she could probably not remember who anyone was and have to restart everything. She could have had a number of different mental issues, anywhere from bi-polar and panic attacks to schizophrenia, or worse.

I would have taken any of that over her being gone.

"Roree, I know what you're thinking, and no it probably wouldn't be any better. It's been 2 years, who knows what could have happened to her brain in all that time. Maybe nothing happened and she would have woken up as if she had just gone to sleep for the night. Or maybe she would have come out not remembering everyone, or I guess any one." I heard what Tessa said, and I even understood it. It just wasn't processing the way it should have.

"I.. I.. I just don't think I can do this. I've been with her for all this time, you know what I'm going through here. She was my entire world Tess, I just can't wrap my head around the fact that she's no longer here. Even when she was in a coma, I knew that there was a chance that she would die, I just thought, She's so strong, even if she's broken at the moment, she's strong enough she can overcome this. This isn't something that can beat her.

I had too much faith and hope that it would all be okay in the end. But it's not okay Tess, nothing will ever be okay again." I said in a flat voice.

"It'll get better, you just wait and see." I turn around to look at her, but no one's there. Did i just imagine that?

I shook my head thinking maybe I was in my head longer than I thought before I turned around.

Who knows, maybe she's right. I just couldn't see the light at the end of this tunnel.

Kaira's POV.

"Kaira, somethings wrong." Tessa said coming into my room.

I was laying on my stomach finishing some of the homework I didn't manage to finish in class, which wasn't much. "What are you going on about Tess?" I yell back to her.

"It's Friday night and you're in your room doing nothing but homework, and watching mind numbing t.v." She was leaning against the door frame now, arms crossed giving me a pointed look.

"This is literally your favorite show. So why don't you come sit down and watch it with me? I have Swedish fish?" I knew that would get her in the room. But I knew what she wanted from me.

There was a party going on a few blocks away and she's been asking me to go with her for a week now. And every time she's asked I've said no. "Fine."

She looked up at me after eating almost all of the fish in the bag. Though what she didn't know was that I had a bag hiding in my closet. She ran into my closet in search of party clothes. She knew what I was talking about.

Closing my computer and moving it to the side something popped into my head. I was having bad thoughts again. Thought about what if I had died and Roree was alive.

"Hey Tess, I know we've gone over this before, but I just can't get it out of my head. What would be going on if I had died in that crash?" I looked up as she got out of my closet with a piece of black fabric that would barely cover everything and my other bag of Swedish fish, so much for it being hidden.

"I'd be slapping Roree upside the head." Umm, What? "Why?"

"Because if you died Roree would be going nutzo, and you would be looking down and be in heaven pissed as hell." She had a point there. I just nod my head, grab the fabric from her. and put it on. As I had said it covered everything, but just barely. I knew I was going to be pulling on it all night, and if Roree had been here he would have been like, you need leggings, a jacket, and he would be saying never mind you aren't even allowed to wear that, which would make me want to wear it even more.

Then he would shoot daggers at Tess for even thinking of this dress and then he would shoot daggers at anyone who even looked at me the wrong way.

Just thinking that made me want to sit there and cry. so I sat on the edge of my bed with watery eyes looking at the ground. I knew I had to get up, put make-up on so that we could go, but I was having a hard time with that.

"You're thinking about what Roree would be telling you, scolding me, about that dress aren't you?"I look over and Tess isn't there.

The reaper was.


I've been doing Cliffhangers all night. I'm on a roll though.

Sooooooooooooooooooooo how do you guys like it???

Great. Terrible. Wish for something better, wiser, less of an emotional wreak??

Yeah me too, but it will get better and by that i mean happier. Hopefully.

Anywho, good night Wattpadders,

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