The Day My Life Changed.

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As you can tell the phrase One Second will probably come up in this story, but its there to make you think so please do think I have nothing better to say for I have somewhat of an idea storming up in this brain of mine.


So as you've heard, One Second can change you're entire life. Well honestly from my opinion, I thought it was all bull. That was until One Second became the death of me. Or so I thought.

I would tell you my name but where would the fun in that be. I mean this is a fiction book after all, but somewhere this could all be real to someone.

So anyways, obviously I didn't actually die, other wise this story would A, not be possible, and B, very short to be honest. But what happened to me should have killed me.

When I was 14 years old I had a boyfriend. Oh my, shocker right. No? Well one thing I can tell you is that he was my best friend, and take note the was part of that statement. He was 16 years old, we were next door neighbors, and we got into a car crash.

Ever heard the saying a deadly car crash happens within 2 minutes of the destination. Well that was absolutely true. We were a minute and a half tops from reaching the neighborhood we lived in, coming home from school.

(A/N) Those people who live, lived or have been to Tampa, Florida knew what I'm talking about when I say this. Waters Ave. is a very dangerous place. The corner near the McDonald, Boston market and the Walmart and Publix.

It was a red light and we stopped, we were close to the beginning of the line, maybe two or three cars down, but I wasn't paying attention. When we started moving again I looked up. A car was coming towards us at a dangerous speed, the driver wasn't going to stop. Even though is was 3pm, he must have been drunk, or texting, or something that made him lose control of the car. It wasn't even a small car, it was one of those expensive SUV things.

I was slow to realize that it was coming straight for me. Like me, in general. Were had the cars gone in front of us? They were already half a block away.

I feel an arm going around my waist pulling me to the other side of the car, but it was no use. It wasn't going to save me from this fate. Nothing was.

Slam!!!. The car crash into us and I went out cold.

I was dead on impact. Well most likely. I mean come one no one could survive something like that now could they?

I didn't think death would look this bleck and dark. I felt as if I was in a dark room with no windows or door, no walls for miles to go. I bet I could walk in a straight line for days and never touch a wall. What was this place, I want to go home. Or even to heaven. I mean if I was dead why wasn't I in Heaven or Hell? Was this Purgatory? I don't think I could live like this, in this could be Purgatory, for a long period of time. I had nothing but sit here and do nothing. The silence was maddening. I mean come on a person would strangle themselves if they stayed in here for even a short period of time.

I tried, I honestly did, but then again I don't think it would have helped much to kill myself in what ever this place was.

It was what seemed like days later, and I hadn't had any food or water, but on the bright side I wasn't actually hungry. The feeling of no food in me was slightly, in a way, uncomfortable. I could tell there wasn't anything in me but I had a feeling there were nutrients and energy running through my body.

I felt something, like a caress on my cheek, the bend of my toes. I wanted to laugh because it was like some one was tickling my toes.

Time past slow when there weren't any noises or movements near me. Even though I couldn't actually see it. And every once in a great while I could hear voices in the distance. I would run to them but they would just get further and further away from me.

I was getting sick of this place, and the voices I heard would get quieter and quieter. It was like when you're in a room and people start to leave and the noise starts to get quieter as the more people leave. Well that's what this was like.

I wasn't every going to wake up, make my way through high school, go to the dance with my best friend/ boyfriend. Anything that is to be considered to be the best years of your life.

But then something happened, something changed. In One Second the lights came on and I had to make the hard choice.

If I wanted to live, or if I wanted to die.


As the first chapter of this story I feel like its really good. although you kinda go through a time span of months, but what was I to do, tell ya'll every second of the time this girl was where ever she was.

The author doesn't even know what this place was. lol

I've come to the conclusion that it was where purgatory was, or where people in comas go, or people who are alive but dead. Yeah something like that.

I could have made her find a box, but It would have been an empty box so whats the point in that.

If you guys want me to add the box part I will, I just need yall to under stand this book comes from the darkest parts of my mind, and this will be very unedited. So bear with me.

' Kay

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In The Blink of an Eye. (Complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt