The Burning Girl.

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Rorre's POV

For some reason I felt like I had lost Kaira once again. I had a dream, well more like nightmare that I just couldn't escape from. It was like it was all I could think about.

There wasn't anything else on my mind for the past 3 days.

*Flash back*

I was running through what seemed like an abandoned part of a small town. I couldn't tell what was there before, all I could see was building that were lined up in a row for about a mile. There was a salon, nail place, a little book store, 2 banks, and a few different restaurants scattered throughout the rest of the lines.

Every store had the open signs on, and every door I went up to was unlocked. So I was just thinking this was your average abandoned town kind of story. Well I was wrong man, I was wrong.

As soon as I had the thought to just wake up, something came over me. I had to walk to the book store and go inside. So I did exactly that. I grabbed the door and flung it open no problem. It was what I saw inside that broke me down into little pieces.

What I saw killed me inside and probably outside too. The book store was trashed, but that wasn't what just about made me die, what I saw within the piles of books and shelves was a person. And a fire. It was engulfing the person.

That person was gone, they were gone forever. Why were they dying here in my dreams? Who knows, but all I wanted was wake up from this nightmare as soon as possible. Only problem is that I couldn't move away from the sight. I couldn't put one foot in front of the other and walk away from this disaster. I couldn't even blink in the slightest.

And within seconds, as soon as I could actually blink, I was sitting up breathing heavily and sweat was rushing down my heated skin. I had woken up right before the screams had started, at least I hoped I hadn't been there when the screams started.


I couldn't get the crisp body out of my head. If that had happened to her I don't know how destroyed I would have been than.

All I had seen was the face of the girl I lived for not only about to be burned to a crisp, but actually burned to a crisp.

3 days ago, we had her cremated. It was something that she had wanted us to do anyways if she had died. It was one of those things that she would say anytime someone would die. I could hear her say it now.

'I don't want to be buried. I don't want to be stuck in one place the rest of my undead life. I want to be free. Be dead amongst the living.

"You know there's a way to see her again. See her alive again." There was a lady in front of me.

"Who are you?" I ask, not even worrying about the fact that the lady appeared out of no where. Not even startled.

I haven't actually felt any emotion since she died.

"I'm Fate."

I didn't really know what that meant. "Like the person who makes the destiny for people. The way their life is going to go?"

"Yes exactly like that."

That only meant one thing. She wasn't lying. I could really see my best friend again. And maybe with out dying.

"Oh no, you have to die in order to see her again." She said obviously read my thoughts. "That would be a yes."

"So in order to see my best friend again I have to die. I have to leave all of the people that I also love?"

"Well yes, in this world. But who knows. Maybe it will be best that way. She wants to be with you again too, just to let you know." She says.

This makes me look up at her. "Really??" I felt ... something... Bemused maybe. Definitely in shock.

"Yes really." She laughed. "She's been without you for a long time, at least you had her in a way."

"Than yes I do. I want to be with my best friend no matter the full cause."

"Alright, but once you choose you can't undo it."

"That's fine. I'd rather be with my best friend than with people who only want to pity me." I tell her.

"So you are willing to die to be with the one you love the most?"

I gave her a look. The look. The look that meant we weren't playing this game of back and forth. I needed her. I needed Kaira, I needed her like I've never needed anything before.

I look over at the woman before me, the look on her face was part amazement part something that I couldn't quite figure out. I must have said some of not all of that out loud.

Or she read my thoughts. Who knows.

"I'll grant you one wish, but you need to word it correctly. Perfectly. But before you do I need to tell you everything."

She started doing something doing something with her hands, then the air around her started to get haze, get thick.

That's when a ball appeared. It came out of no where. There within her hands sat a green ball. It looked to be a fire ball, something you see in movies and TV shows.

Next thing I know I'm laying back on my bed with burn marks covering my chest.

Black spots. That's all I saw. Then a moment of clarity came over me and I looked towards my open door.

There stood Tessa, her hands to her face in horror, tears spilling down her face causing her makeup to run.

I realized what was happening then. I was leaving her to go back to Kaira. I was taking away not one but two people who mean the world to her. She was going to be alone.

She ran over to me after what seemed like hours. She pulled my head into her lap, cradling it.

"You know this was the best choice, Kaira hasn't quite decided what she wants yet, so you'll have to wait for her. But at least everything will go back to normal after this. It's been ...." She was talking to me but nothing really made sense. Then everything went black.


And done. But this is not the end yet. We're almost there guys. Only a few more chapters to go!!!

In The Blink of an Eye. (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora