Her Most Important Decision.

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Kaira's POV.

I looked over to the Reaper. I had thought that it was Tessa that had said those words, but it wasn't, it was him.

"I can't yet," I said looking down, I was staring holes into my shoes. "No matter if this is really my world or not, I haven't live yet. And I would like to do that. We were going to a party. Something i haven't done since before the car crash when I should have died." I looked back up to him.

"It's now or never Kaira, but I will give you a total of 24 hrs. to make up your mind. If when I come back you still haven't figured out what you want you will be stuck here. There wont be anything for you anymore, not here and not there. You will be stuck here alone forever. Or until Fate has decided that you deserve other wise" Then he disappeared in a thick black smoke that made me cough a little.

That was the moment that Tessa decided she would walk in. "Well are you ready or not? Because I will leave you here to fend for yourself."

That had me jumping up real fast and rushing out the room. "Yes, yes I'm ready. LET'S GO PARTY!!!!" I basically yelled. It echoed through the house with a boom.


We got to the party. And at that moment I knew I had f-ed up. I should have never come. I was already having a panic attack from the amount of people here. There was absolutely no where to sit, the punch was obviously spiked, people were drunk as fuck, not caring what they do. Whether it went online or not.

I knew for a fact that they would regret all of this in the morning. Tessa was already on her way to being drunk, that I knew quickly from the amount of punch she was inhaling.

'What is she doing, why would she drag me to something like this?' A place with nowhere to sit, there was barely anywhere to stand without touching someone else, and everyone was sweating buckets.

So again back to this panic attack. I needed fresh air to breathe. Something that wasn't alcohol infused to drink and a quiet place to think about what the reaper said.

I walk around the wet sticky bodies of people into the kitchen. Looking into the fridge I spot water bottles. Unopened water bottles.

'At least I know I won't get drunk.' I think to myself. I make my way through the sticky bodies once more to get outside.

"Is that really what you want? Is this really how you want to spend your life?"

At this I jumped a good 5 feet in the air. I turn around really fast in my panic state, only to come face-to-face with the reaper.

"You need to stop that. You could have given me a heart attack." I tell him once my breathing returned to normal.

All he did was shake his head at me. "You need to come to terms that this isn't your life anymore. You've lived here for 5 years and your time here is done. Why can't you get that through your thick head?" Then he disappears.

"I can't because I've lived this life for too long. This is my home now, I can't just give it up." I say to nothing.


You have 24 hours to make up your mind sweet child of mine.


It's been 12 hours. I only have 12 more before the reaper shows up and makes me tell him my decision. Would I like to go back in time and see Roree again? The answer is yes, yes I would. But is that really a possibility? Is there really such a thing? A thing as going back in time.

"It's not going back in time." I look up startled at the woman in front of me.

"W-who are you?"I stutter.

"All in due time child. It's not going back in time, it's waking up from a dream. A long thought out dream." She was looking at me in a way that I couldn't quite describe. Almost awe, but a bittersweet feeling too. I don't know. "You tell the reaper you're decision when you're ready, you have 12 more hours to make up your mind."

Then just as fast as she appeared she disappeared. I stare at the spot in disbelief. What the hell just happened?

I shook my head trying to get my bearings.

Well that wasn't strange at all.

Here you go guys the next chapter. I hope you like it!!

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