163. muke

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michael found it completely adorable that luke was a more than a little bit of a nerd.
in fact, he was completely.
michael loved the fact that he wore glasses with big square lenses and a thick frame because it made his baby blues bigger and more innocent as he gazed down at his book or up at michael.
and he'd always blush when michael called him adorable, mumbling a shut up michael every time, which caused more blushing and michael grinning and attacking him with kisses.
and the thing about the glasses was that he didn't wear them all the time — but that's who he was, and if it took michael hiding his contacts and lowering the font size when he shows him something on the computer well, so be it, because he was adorable when he wore them and although that was an insecurity of his, michael liked them and if michael liked them then luke didn't mind as much.
math was his thing.
he knew a b-jillion digits of pi that he'd scoff at high school students when he watched a competition on youtube, mumbling the numbers along with them and smirking when they 1. got one wrong or 2. he went on farther than them. and he loved trigonometry and laughed when michael called that tri-gi-mon-oh whatever it's called complete useless shit, and when michael's eyebrows almost stayed permanently furrowed when he did it.
and he almost screamed when the new star wars movie came out, running around the house in michael's sweater crying luke skywalker is me in my past life! and michael didn't groan when he was dragged to the theatre, he actually smiled when luke started sobbing halfway through when one of the characters is killed, (a/n i won't spoil it), and michael gently murmurs coos in his ears as he cries.
and he got flustered easily and sometimes michael found it endearing the way that his fingers shook and he tried to hide them with his too long sleeves when he got nervous and scared.
it was the way they met.
it was cliche and dumb but it was true — luke bumped into him with his coffee at school and spilled it all over his shirt, luke letting out a loud gasp as his hands went to his mouth and michael winced at the temperature
'oh my god i'm so sorry holy crap oh my god--'
'hey, it's fine.' michael chuckled and grabbed some napkins, wiping down his shirt and luke shook his head vigorously
'no, no it isn't, oh god i'm so sorry--'
'babe.' he grabbed his biceps and smiled 'it's okay.'
luke gaped at him and his hands came down from his mouth and he whispered and blurted what was he was dying to say to this boy.
'you have pretty eyes.'
michael chuckled and smiled when his cheeks burned and his eyes widened at what he just said.
'have you seen your own?'
he was a lonely little nerdy boy who had befriended the quarterback and nobody else — he was weird and a dork to anybody else — and michael didn't like the fact that he got sad and teary over being alone — hence that was why one night that luke was really sad michael had drove over to his house with pokémon movies and a hoodie that was too small for him but big on luke and some gummy bears.
and they watched pokémon for hours and luke didn't ever seem that lonely anymore.
he was beyond intelligent; valedictorian of their class with a 4.0 gpa — and michael never understood how  he knew so much and soaked in new information like a sponge.
luke was nerdy and adorable and it wasn't rare for moments like this one, michael coming home from work and walking into the living room to only see the sleeping blonde boy, a book on his chest and hanging from his fingers, and michael grinned and kissed his forehead softly 'time for bed, kitten.' and he scooped him up gently and carried him up the stairs, hearing luke hum sleepily and gently and he mumbled a 'mikey?' to which michael smiled and kissed his forehead and whispered back a 'shh, little kitten, you're okay, jus' taking you to bed baby.' and luke  smiled sleepily and nodded.
he was a boy full of pokémon and science and math and formulas and books and glasses and star wars and so much more, but that didn't matter to michael — when he jumped up and started yelling at darth vader through the tv, or when he cried over the character in his book dying, it didn't matter.
because opposites attract, right?

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