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punk luke was way more than protective and whipped for calum — even if he was cold hearted and emotionless to many other people — he was a ball of cheesy smiles and mush and yes of courses with his boyfriend.
he loved him more than anything in this world and because of that — it's like he treated calum like a young child when it came to safety —
like one day when the short boy climbed on the counter to reach for the chocolate chips he was immediately grabbed and taken down, his feet on the ground as luke raised his eyebrows at him
'what were you doing mister?'
'i was getting chocolate chips.'
'what do i always tell you?'
calum rolled his eyes and shook his head 'to get you if something is too far up.'
'and why is that?'
'so i don't get hurt.' he mumbled
luke smirked 'exactly.'
he reached up and grabbed the tollhouse bag and handed it to his boyfriend, kissing him quickly before running back to his footie game on tv, making calum roll his eyes again.

or like the time when he was making dinner — cutting vegetables — and he was about to get the big knife when he was pulled away from the counter — no no no.. — and it was snatched out of his hand
'nope. go sit.'
'oh my god luke, it's just a knife--'
'just a knife that can slice your hand open, then you'll have to get stitches or they'll have to amputate it.' calum groaned and complied with a fine walking away before he was pulled back
calum's eyes rounded, maybe he'll let him do something this time?
'....can i have a kiss?'
calum chuckled and turned around in his arms.

oh god and that one time calum got hit on by some douche — that's what luke saw him as even though he really wasn'tand luke was this close to bashing his nose in
'he said he wasn't interested, mate.'
the guy chuckled 'okay, okay, i get it, sorry.'
and luke was about to turn his chuckle into a blood curdling scream before calum tugged him away, luke following behind him, glaring back at the guy and practically growling under his breath
'luke, babe.'
then luke's eyes were giving full attention to him and calum smiled a bit and cupped his face, watching as luke shivered at his touch
he always did that
'baby, it's sweet how you're protective, but i don't want you so riled up, okay?' he spoke in a soft voice and luke hugged him loosely around the waist, bending down to nuzzle in his neck
'okay.' he said, his voice smooth and calum smiled,
'c'mon let's go home.'
'then can we cuddle?'

he was way more than protective and whipped — he was in love.

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