Chapter 16

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Part 3/3 :)

After Jimmy announcement the audience applaud. Jimmy looked relieved the burden finally being lifted off of his shoulders. The rest of the show was full of surprises, Jimmy never fails to make everybody laugh. Taraji P. Henson & Kendrick Lamar were the surprise guests on the show. Originally, tonight guests was suppose to be Andy Samberg and some band I never heard of. For a second, I thought he would forget to introduce me and mom to them.

Mom and Destiny came out during a commercial break and fangirled over them. During her interview, Taraji told Jimmy he most cutest baby ever. Of course, Jimmy brushed off his shoulders and thanked her. "I'm joking, Braelyn deserves all the credit." He said and pointed to the writers tables. He winked at me before continuing the interview. After her interview was over, the show went into a commercial, Jimmy got up and ran to the secret door. Where is he going?

Taraji walked over to the writers table and introduce herself. I was fangirling I told her I love her on Empire, and that Cookie Lyon is me when I don't get my ways. She laughed and mentioned that random people would come up to her on the streets and have her say a few lines from the show. While the show was still on commercial break I told quickly AD everything about Destiny. I told him how pissed off I was, he said if he was in my place he would've been pissed too.

Destiny walked over to the writers table and told me she wanted to sit out here. I looked at AD and gave him a knowing look before getting up. "Here, you can take my seat. I'm going to go see if Caiden here needs a diaper change anyways." Me and mom walked back to Jimmy's office. Once walked inside his office I saw Aidy Bryant, Kate McKinnon and Colin Jost sitting on the couch waiting for us. I quickly passed Caiden off to mom before running over to them. Aidy was the first I hugged, then Kate and finally Colin. I refused to let go of him. Mom literally had to pull me away from him. He just laugh and told mom I wasn't the first girl to do that to him nor am I the last.

Kate and Aidy wanted to hold Caiden, since he was the cutest baby they have ever seen. While Kate and Aidy were occupied by Caiden I jokingly told Colin, he was the second guy I had a crush on. I continued by telling him, he needs to be in more skits, and how they need more cute faces out there. He smiled and thanked me for the compliment.

After a few minutes of laughing, they had to go back downstairs to prepare for the show on Saturday. I told them even though I won't be in NY, I'll be watching in LA. I quickly asked for a individual picture and a group picture afterwards. They left and I turned my attention to the TV screen to see Jimmy running up the stairs, giving the audience high fives and hugs. Mom told me she'll be back, she got up and left. As I'm waiting for her to come back I see Jimmy making his way down the other side of the stairs. "Look at daddy on TV." I pointed. Caiden made a sound.

Usually, after Jimmy waves to the camera he would come walking through the secret door. Where is he? There was a knock on the door, "who is it?" I asked. "Come outside." The voice replied. I picked up Caiden and walked to the door, I opened it to see a staff member holding a rose in her hand. "What is this?" I questioned.

"Trust me, you'll see." She responded. She handed me the rose and told me to close my eyes. I did as I was told, still not knowing the hell is going on. I took 2 steps outside the office door before hearing her voice again. She told me to open my eyes, when I did that, I saw all the of staff and interns with a single rose in their hand. I took all the rose from everybody while thanking them. When I got to the end of the hallway, I saw mom, Taraji, Kendrick, Cheyenne, Destiny, Steve, The Roots, Lorne and AD with a rose and a smile on their faces. They all handed me the last roses, I start to cry. "It's not even the best part yet and your crying." Destiny smiled.

"What best part?" I cried.

"You'll see." Lorne pointing his index finger towards the elevator. As I walked closer and closer to the elevator I see Jimmy waiting for me inside. He smiled and held his hand out. I smiled and reached out to him walking into the elevator and he took Caiden. "I want to take you and Caiden to a special place." He told me we're going to the Rockefeller rooftop garden.

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