Chapter 2

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I'm so glad I found scratch paper in my bag. As I waited in line to get into the studio I quickly wrote Jimmy a letter. Since, I have came to the conclusion that I don't want to face him when I tell him he's the father of my child. Just a fear of him yelling or cussing me out. Even though, I doubt Jimmy would do that. But, still. Before the pages escort us out to the elevator bank, I need to make a quick phone call. So, I walked up to a female page, "excuse me, do you mind if I make a call?" I asked. "Yeah, sure." she nodded.

I pulled out my phone and called mom. As I'm waiting for her to pick up I begin to walk away from the crowd. She picked up on the second ring. "Hey sweetie, how did it go?" I looked down the hall. "Well, he didn't remember me. But, he took the envelope." I smiled even though mom couldn't see me.

"That's good. Now he got your number. Aren't you happy? He can finally see his son now."

I sigh, "what if he threw it away?" I heard the elevator ding. Anyways, the elevator is here. You're standing in front of the marquee, right?" I asked as I walked back to everybody. She let out a small laugh. "We're right by the door." I waved goodbye to the pages. "Ok, can we go into the NBC Experience store right quick? I asked. I heard mom sigh, "sure."

I walked out of 30 Rock to see mom and Caiden, who's staring at everybody. "Hi, mom, hi Caiden." I kissed Caiden's forehead. "I was hoping Jimmy would be with you." Mom said. I took Caiden out of my mom's arms. "I know, me too mom. I guess I was meant to be a single parent." From the corner of my eye, I could see mom giving me a sympathy look. "Don't say that, Braelyn. I'm pretty sure Jimmy is freaking out right now." Mom softly spoke.

"So, how far are we walking Braelyn? You know I hate walking. Even if it's just down the street." Mom asked. I shook my head trying to hold in my laugh."It's just around the block and down the street." She sigh, "really? That's too far." As we're walking to the NBC Experience store we ended up talked about the whole Jimmy/Caiden situation and how I don't want Caiden to grow up without his father in his life. I'm doing my hardest to get Jimmy to understand that, and hopefully he does. We walked pass the Observation Room. "What's in there?" Mom questioned. I looked back. "I have no idea. I think SNL & Seth Meyers show." I replied and shrugged.

"Who's Seth Meyers?" I gasped. "Really mom, you don't know who Seth Meyers is? You must live under a rock." We walked pass Seth's billboard in the window. "Mom, that's him right there." I pointed to his picture. "Well, he's cute." Here we are, we finally made it to the NBC Experience store. When we walked in Caiden begin to make his adorable baby sounds. "Somebody's being talkative now." I said as I held on to his little chubby fingers.

One of the female security guards came up to me. "Oh my god, he's soooo cute" She gushed over Caiden. "What's his name?" She asked. "Caiden Makai Fa-" I paused. "Caiden Makai." I smiled. "How old is he, he have the most beautiful eyes ever. Have you ever thought about putting him in modeling?" I giggled at her compliments. "He's 6 months, and thank you. No, I never thought of putting him in modeling."

Jimmy's POV

I sat down at my desk staring at this envelope this one familiar female audience member gave me. God, she looked so familiar, but I don't remember her name. I opened the clasp envelope when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in," I shouted. Higgins walked in. "Hey Higs, what's up." I asked as I dumped all the stuff that was in envelope onto my desk. I looked down to see at all of the pictures and a letter. I picked the letter up and read it:

Dear Jimmy,

Hi, I'm Braelyn. "Ahhh, Braelyn, that's her name." I said, as I snapped my fingers. I'm pretty sure you don't remember me but, I met you at a bar in Los Angeles called Chateau Marmont's Bar Marmont. We spent the whole week together along with Justin and my friend, Destiny. I'm writing you to inform you that we slept together that night we left the club. We have a 6 month old son name Caiden Makai. In this envelope, I left my name and cell number. I have pictures of us in the club with Justin and my friend and a picture of you sleeping with your shirt off the next morning. I took a recent pictures of Caiden. He looks just like you. He has your lips, eyebrows and smile. I'm here for a few weeks. Hopefully, you can see your son.

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