"BLAKE! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO MEET HIM. NO WAY, NOT ALONE!" Amber yelled from beside Riley. "I'm going with you..." She demanded. I shook my head and narrowed my eyes at her. "Your not going anywhere! Your gonna stay here and stay safe. Do you understand me?" I demanded of her. "No, Blake! Your not safe if you go!" She protested. "YOU WILL STAY HERE! AND YOUR GONNA BE SAFE! YOUR NOT GOING WITH ME! I CAN'T LOSE YOU! YOUR THE ONLY REALLY GOOD SHOT AT ME BEING HAPPY AND I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE YOU TOO!" I screamed at her, taking her by the shoulders and bring her face to mine. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND? YOUR STAYING HERE!" I scream again. I put my forehead on her's and sighed. 

"I can't lose you...." I whispered. "He knows who you are and what you mean to me. If you go, he'll kill you. Do you understand?" I whispered. Her eyes were filled with tears and her bottom lip shaking. I sighed again and placed a kiss on her rose lips before turning to our friends. "Keep. Her. Here! And the rest of you stay here too. I'm going out..." I told them and turned to leave. "NO, BLAKE! BLAKE DON'T LEAVE, HE'LL KILL YOU OR TAKE YOU AWAY!" I heard Amber's cries of distress but I know they held her back. She's right. I'm a goner. But they won't hurt her, not ever.

I'm meeting him there at 5, so I have 2 hours to kill. I decide to go to the park and take out my cell phone, I may as well say goodbye to Amber now... And the rest of them. "H-he-hello?" A sniffling voice answered the phone. "Baby..." I whispered, why she so sad. "BLAKE! Baby you gotta come home now. It's ok, just-just come home. Please?" She sobbed. I closed my eyes and held back my own tears, she sounded heart broken. "Amber, you know I can't come home. I have to do this, or else he would kill you." I answered, keeping it together. "I DON'T CARE! I'D RATHER HIM KILL ME THEN KILL YOU!" She sobbed and screamed at me. Anger fulled up my veins. "AMBER! DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING SAY THAT FUCKING SHIT AGAIN!"

"Blake.... Blake I'm so sorry you have to do this. But, just come home ok? You don't need to do this. He doesn't know where we live so he can't hurt us. Blake come home, and come home now!"  She demanded. "Babe, you don't get it. He. Will. Hurt. You! Look, babe, put it on speaker phone ok?" "Mmmk." She sniffled. "BLAKE! WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard voices shout at me. "Look guys, I'm safe. But I need you to keep Amber there. Where is Riley?" I asked, not hearing her voice. "She... Oh shit! Where is she? Fuck!" I heard Jake swear. "FUCK!" I yell. "Find her! This is some serious shit!" I order them and was about to hang up the phone but heard a whimper.

"Amber, it's ok. They will find Riley and everything will be ok." I soothed. "Ok, I know. Just come home, ok? Maybe not now... But you have to come home tonight? Do. You. Understand. Me?" Her voice was sharp. "Amber..." I started, I know she knows I won't come home. "GOD DAMMIT BLAKE! PROMISE ME!" She snapped. "Ok, ok baby. I will." I nodded, knowing that it was a lie. But she needed something, anything to keep her calm. "Blake..." She whispered. I looked at the clock and it said 4:45, time to go. "I have to go baby.." I whispered. "NO! NO BLAKE DON'T GO-" "I'm sorry, Amber..." "BLAKE PLEASE DON'T DO THIS DON'T-" "I love you..." And with that I hung up. 

I started down 54th street and found the ally. This is it, This is the end. I walk down slowly, where the fuck is- "OW!" I yelped. I was slammed against the wall, arm hard on my neck. "Hello, brother. You showed up. I'm surprised, I thought you would let that blonde slut die." He said with a creepy smile. "Don't. Talk about her like that!" I spat in his face. "Oh? You don't know. She was seen kissing that Jake boy... Real cute couple." He teased, his head tilted to the side. I struggled against his hold. "Your lying! Amber would never do that!" I spat again, struggling. "We have proof, wanna see?" 

I shook my head no, lowering my face to the ground crying. "Oh, but you must!" He teased again, holding up a camera. I heard it play, but I looked away. "Watch." He growled, forcing my head to watch. A girl with blonde hair was pushed up against the playhouse, lips moving quickly against a guy with blonde hair. Amber and Jake. "No..." I whimpered. "Oh yes!" He chuckled. "Your little girlfriend is a cheating slut! And with your best friend!" He laughed coldly. "Please, stop it. Please!" I whimpered, the video playing over and over. Suddenly I remembered what Amber was wearing today. "Was that today?" I tried to keep up my whimpering form. "Yep! Your little slut, just today!" 

I tried to hid my smile, it wasn't her... It was Avery. It was Avery and Jake, going at it, must have been before Amber and I showed up. "So... What do you want?" I whimpered. "You'll see..." He whispered creepily. You know in those horror movies? Like that. Suddenly, his arm was taken off my neck. I took a gasp of air and looked around. "Fuck! Who's there?" Luke swore. I heard a creepy, girl like giggle from in the shadows before they hit again. I heard a ninja like sound (A/N: You know like 'HEYAH!') Luke's head was kicked. Luke was on the floor, not moving but not dead. "H-Hello?" I stuttered, scared. "Blake! Your ok!" I heard Riley's voice gasp. 

"FUCK RILEY! WHAT JUST HAPPENED?" I screamed at her. "Explain later, let's go home. Now. Amber's flipping shit!" I nodded and we ran home. Once we got to the house we knocked. "Hello?" Nick's small voice asked. "Open the god damn door you gay fag!" I answered angrily. I heard a gasp and the door flew open. "Blake! And....Riley?" Nick asked questionably. We walked in and I heard a large cry. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Amber screamed and I heard a crash. "Ok, I'm not here right now. She can't know that I'm home yet... Ok?" I said, looking seriously at the two of them. They both nodded and I hid in the large closet beside the door. 

"CUPCAKE! YOUR BACK!" I heard Amber yell in happiness. "Has... Has Blake come home yet?" She whimpered after a few minutes. "No, I went out looking but..." Riley answered with an easy lie. "Oh... Well I'm glad your home. Glad your safe." She whispered. I heard people go up the stairs and Nick opened the closet. "Why... Are you hiding?" He asked. "I want her to calm down a little without me. She has to learn what it's like if I'm not there." I answer. "Oh.." Is all he says. "Come get me when she calms down..." "K" Is all he said and closed the door. 

I stay in there for what seems like forever. Finally, Nick knocked. "Come on..." He whispered. I slowly got out and opened the front door before closing it. "Blake?" I heard a small voice ask. "Baby?" I answered. "BLAKE!" She screamed, rushing down the stairs and jumping into my arms. "Oh baby..." I sighed as she cried hard, hot tears. "Amber, calm down kitten!" I stroked her hair and brought her to Riley's room. "RILEY!" I screamed and she ran up the stairs. "Get her to fall asleep, sing to her, I don't care. Calm her down." I ordered, kissing Amber's head and went down stairs. 

"You ok, man?" Jake asked. "Yeah, just tired." I answer. They all nod and we all fall asleep in the living room...

You'll see...


I FINALLY UPDATED! Sorry for the wait, I hope you liked it! Also, for the people who love Kevin and Nick as much as I do, I'm making a side story for them. Let you know when I write it and it's title! Byee!!!!

Song of the day: Comfortable by John Mayer 

Fav word of the day: THANKS GIVING!!!!

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