How you guys would hang out (Number II)

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~Ruki Mukami~

You and Ruki might be found in a library. Because it's so quiet and peaceful. It's supposed to be that way. You two could be found reading, or just hanging around. You two might also be found at the Mukami household, probably not doing much. Ruki might be reading a book, while you are relaxing from the long day at school. You guys might talk about how your day was, or things going on in your live. But, during school, you two seem more focused on school then hanging out. You have learned that Ruki is the eldest son of the Mukami brothers. He seems be respected by his brothers, unlike the Sakamaki brothers. Also, from what his family says, he's a good cook. Also, he can speak Nordic, which kinda weird, but cool. Ruki loves puzzles, only reason you know that was because you brought over a puzzle once.

~Kou Mukami~

Everywhere. That's where the two of you could be found. One minute you guys might be goofing off in classs, and the next, you are at one of Kou's concerts. But, at the Mukami household, you two might be found talking to each other, about random stuff. You have learned that Kou is an idol, but you don't know why. His singing? Dancing? Did he do something really awesome? Who knows. He loves cats and kittens. You found that out because you saw one in the street, it almost got hit by a car, when Kou jumped to get it, and somehow made it to the other side of the street in time. He came back saying "Aw~ Neko-chan~" while the kitten was licking his face. 

~Yuma Mukami~

Yuma's Garden. Since you found out that Yuma really likes gardening, you said you'd help out. Now, you regret saying that. Because Yuma was a very intense gardener. He'd ask you to do one thing, then come back with another thing the minute you stop and take a breather. But, other than that you guys might hang around school. But other than that, you guys don't hang out too much. He also love Sugar Cubes, not sugar in general, just sugar in cubes. He also was in a gang for a while. Makes sense. 

~Azusa Mukami~

You and Azusa don't normally hang out. But when you do, you two hang out around very quiet areas, likes parks or something. But, normally you would pick, because Azusa doesn't really care. He just wants to be with you. For so reason, he wants to get hurt, despite your disliking. Azusa also has a twisted sense of right and wrong. 


A/N: Sorry Azusa's is so short! i couldn't think of much to add! i'll add on as 

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