Chapter 31: Mask

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As soon as So Hyun, Hayi, Suhyun and Sung Kyoung stepped out from the car, all the eyes turned directly at them with hate and criticism. So Hyun just made her expression neutral while Hayi wore a confused expression on her face. Suhyun can't keep herself from fidgeting and tried to avoid everyone's gaze on her while Sung Kyoung stared back at the students with her own despicable looks on her eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Sung Kyoung spat at the nearest students who were looking and talking about them.

"Yah! Stop that. You're just making us more embarrass." Suhyun demanded.

"Why are they staring at us?" Hayi asked making the girls sigh in frustration.

"Let's just ignore them and keep ourselves focus on class, okay?" So Hyun commented and they all nodded.

Each of them went to their class. Sung Kyoung went directly to the gym and wore her P.E uniform for their first period of class. As soon as she arrived in the gym, all eyes went to her but she just ignored them and went to sit on the floor where the teacher was waiting for the students to huddle around.

"Okay! That's enough gossiping and let's start the class." The teacher caught everyone's attention. "The boys will be playing soccer outside to the field while the girls will be staying here inside the gym to play volleyball. I will be watching you alternately so you brats better behave while I'm not watching you, understand?" The teacher added.

"Yes, Teacher!" All the students answered in unison.

As soon as the teacher went out to the field, Sung Kyoung already know to herself that her classmates would make her life miserable during their P.E class without the teacher watching them. She braced herself to the worst things that may happen to her but she kept telling herself that she wouldn't back down from them. NEVER.

"Let the game begin." Sung Kyoung said to herself.

Sung Kyoung and Yoo Jung were on the same team and it made Sung Kyoung even more threatened so she alerted herself even more. The game started and as what Sung Kyoung had expected, her hardship started when her teammates started to ignore her existence during their game.

"Aisshh!" Sung Kyoung cursed inside her head.

Sung Kyoung was just standing in her post not even able to touch a single ball. She was about to give up on expecting the ball and started to lower her guard when all of a sudden a ball had hit her on her head.

"Oww!" Sung Kyoung grimaced. "Ah, yah! Who did that?" She was furious.

"Yah. We're in the game. It's your fault if you're being lousy." Yoo Jung commented. "And thanks to you, our team's behind a point because of your lousiness." She added.

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