Chapter 26: Family Vacation Part II

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 "I LIKE YOU, GU SO HYUN." Sung Jae confessed.

So Hyun was so surprised by what she just heard from Sung Jae. She couldn't move at all. She just kept still while Sung Jae was embracing her tightly. She could feel Sung Jae breathing hard and she noticed that Sung Jae was getting heavier, leaning to her and she started to get uncomfortable so she tried to get loose from his embrace.

"Sung Jae-ah.." So Hyun tried to move but Sung Jae suddenly fell to the ground. "Sung Jae-ah!" So Hyun immediately knelt down beside the unconscious body of Sung Jae. "Yah! Yook Sung Jae! Are you okay?" So Hyun touched Sung Jae's forehead and it was burning hot. "You have a fever! Get up! We need to get you inside the cave and get you warmed up." So Hyun helped Sung Jae to get inside.

In Switzerland:

After the auction, the Soo family went home directly. Just before doing so, both Yi Jung and Ga Eul talked to their son about the matter concerning the painting while Hayi waited just outside the room where they were talking. After a moment, they got out and rode their way to their home silently and it made Hayi wonder to what was the problem.

"It's been a long and tiring day." Ga Eul stated as soon as they arrived at their house. "You two better prepare yourselves to bed." She continued and she one by one kissed her children.

"Have a good night sleep, you two." Yi Jung added and he too kissed his children good night.

As soon as their parents went upstairs, Hayi decided to head upstairs towards her room but Taehyun suddenly block her way and she was startled. They stayed liked that – standing and staring each other for about a few seconds.

"Come to the studio after you cleaned up." Taehyun broke the silence and went upstairs towards his room.

Hayi couldn't comprehend what her brother was doing but she wasn't dumb enough to disobey her big brother. After she cleaned up and changed into her pyjamas, she went to the studio directly. When she opened the door, she saw the painting of her – the painting from the auction earlier and the one her brother had bought.

"Hayi-ah." Taehyun suddenly appeared from the back of the large painting.

"Oppa. What's going on? Why did you call me here?" Hayi asked. "And what's with the painting?" She added.

"It's for you." Taehyun answered.

"What? But you're the one who bought it." Hayi was confused. "Wait, are you selling it to me, oppa?" She asked again and Taehyun scowled at her out of frustration.

"Ofcourse, not!" Taehyun stated. "God! I almost forgot about you being dumb." He added, shaking his head. "What I mean is that, this painting is for you. I painted it myself." He explained.

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