Korea Town and then...

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Mac awoke ahead of the clock alarm only to discover that his beautiful bride of less than a week had disappeared without awakening him. Not in the bathroom and wondering where she might've gone, he slipped out of bed and peeked through the window blinds.

Seeing her on the beach he felt relieved, especially after hearing her apprehensions and second thoughts concerning their hasty union

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Seeing her on the beach he felt relieved, especially after hearing her apprehensions and second thoughts concerning their hasty union. At the edge of surf she was practicing her routines and dancing carefree like no one in the world was watching. Intrigued, he changed in a hurry, grabbed the camera and slipped outside to watch her.

Sonia was barefoot and using those pink and yellow sashes she'd brought back with her yesterday. Several of herdance moves were astounding and he wondered how she was able to accomplish them so easily; at least she made her dancing appear to be easy. He knew differently though, because at the mall he'd been unable to keep up with her lead even though her dancing had been rather tame.

Minutes later she paused upon noticing Mac perched upon upon a nearby rock.

"Yah!" and as brash as always when she discovered someone ogling her, she trumpeted, "What are you looking at?"

"Yah!" imitating her brass band way, "A beautiful dancer."

Her initial reaction was astonishment and then with exaggerated haughtiness she challenged, "Are you trying to sound like a Korean?"

"No." and feeling like an idiot.

Aware he was still eying her, she impishly cooed, "Don't let me distract you."

"Mrs. MacLeod, you're a very beautiful distraction."

"Let me hear you repeat that nonsense in ten years... and then I'll know you were sincere."

"Okay..." accepting her remark as a challenge, "I'll do just that."

"I'll be surprised if you just remember my name." she laughed.

"I might just surprise you."

Sonia gathered up the two sashes and then seductively sauntered toward him, staring as she approached but watching for his less obvious body language responses as he gaped.

Looking up at her now standing next to him, he prodded, "Why are you out here so early?"

"I'm always up early to practice." fiddling with the bunched-up sashes, "I've been doing this all my life."

"Now THAT doesn't surprised me... but you should've awakened me."

"I didn't want to." and then gently touched his left cheek with her right hand, something she'd occasionally do to show her affection.

"Why not?" smiling in response to her soft reassuring gesture

"You were sleeping like you were dead to the world."

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