Surprise! Up Here!

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Early the following morning I ventured into the woods to resume my search for those elusive hawthorns. I'd already decided that if I ended up getting skunked at the abandoned farms, then I'd settle for a few more cuttings from that years-familiar neighbouring grove of apple trees I once upon a time climbed and played in.

Following the lesser used Tangleroot Trail, I hiked along at a slower than usual pace where the winding path gradually ascended to crest atop the end-hump of a rocky ridge. I was on the look-out for those two troublesome two scoundrels but thus far into my foot-journey I hadn't encountered anyone else at all.

"So far, so good." I thought, now feeling pleased that I'd left earlier than usual.

Eventually I reached the neglected rusty wire fence that marked the city's town line, and here the easy-to-travel blazed trail abruptly turned west to parallel the fence; no longer the direction of travel I wanted. I tried to make as little noise as possible when I delicately clambered over the fence, but my weight depressed those wire strands enough to produce irritating screeching sounds where stapled to the wooden post. Once over though, I off-trail headed northeastward into denser forest. Although my destination wasn't far from the town line, beyond those farms lay about thirty straight-line miles of mountainous wilderness forest with few signs of civilization; so I very much relied on my compass in case I strayed and missed.

Soon I neared the base of the rise that led upward toward the first of those abandoned farms and my impromptu route-of-least-resistance curved toward a tall elderly tree with a massive limbless trunk. It had partly fallen and was firmly lodged in the crotch of an even taller neighbouring tree. Rather than shove through the forest undergrowth to detour around the unusual obstacle, I chose to pass beneath; it offered ample clearance for an easy walk under.

Seconds after I'd effortlessly slipped through, from behind, a voice out of nowhere suddenly broke the silence like a bluejay, "Yah!"

"What?" I blurted in startled surprise as I spun around but saw no one.

"What?" I blurted in startled surprise as I spun around but saw no one

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"Up here." she said to redirect my attention and seconds later lifted her head and dropped her arm to reveal where she was.

Unimaginably, she was fully stretched out on that massive tree trunk like she'd been resting; now staring down at me like a cat that had just cornered a mouse.

"You again!?" I exclaimed in astonishment.

That unpredictable rain dancer was wearing a black dress that just naturally blended in with the dark hues of the tree trunk. Whether intentional or not, her tight-fitting dress also accentuated her curves as she sprawled there; regardless her camouflage had been practically perfect.

"Yes. Me again." answering with an inscrutable grin.

"What are you doing up there?" I questioned, astounded to encounter her out here in the woods dressed that way and high up on a partially fallen tree.

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