Since When Has Asia Been A Country?

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It has come to my attention that a number of people do not know Asia is a continent. It might seem obvious to you if you're someone who is well aware of the fact, but for some reason, many people- of all ages, might I add- have no idea.

But even people who do know Asia is a continent believe it consists of only 3 countries: China, Japan and Korea.

It most certainly does not.

According to my quick Google search, there are 48 countries in total, and that including Russia and Turkey since they're in Eurasia.

It would be a giant snoozefest if I listed all the countries in Asia so sorry, but I'm not going to do that. If you want to learn every single country in Asia like some people try to memorise all fifty states in America, just look it up on Google or some other search engine. Non-digital World Maps, Atlases and those spinning globe-things also provide the information.

But this post is just a clarification for those who have always thought Asia didn't take up much of the world when in reality, China has the biggest population of all at 1.3 billion. And counting.

Oh, and one other thing: Stop separating India from Asia. Indians are Asians! So many people on social media and on Wattpad and even supermarkets seem to forget that they're linked.

Don't be one of those people.


Category: Geography

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