"Good morning Rose", said a husky voice behind me as a pair of strong arms pulled me into a hard chest. I loved this feeling. It was our morning ritual but in one month I had not gotten bored of it. I actually waited for his hug every morning.

"Morning Sir" I sighed as I continued pouring the batter onto the pan. "What's for breakfast this morning?" He whispered into my ear as he nuzzled my sweat spot there while his hands rubbed my waist softly.

"Spanish omelets, just the way you like it and some freshly squeezed orange juice that is waiting for you in the fridge," I replied in a husky voice. He did that to me, I could never speak normally in front of him and certainly never when he held me this close. I liked being cocooned in his arms.

"Hmm... I like that but how about roses for desert Rose?" He nipped my ear and I let out an almost inaudible moan before adding my two bit. "Who has desserts early in the morning Sir, besides roses are needed in school today." I was flipping the omelet onto a plate by now.

Biting my shoulder playfully he took his plate and sat down. I turned and began buttering a piece of bread for him; laying it on his plate I walked towards the fridge and got the juice out. His eyes followed every movement of mine. I smiled at him as I poured some in a glass for him and turned away to make coffee. He liked this breakfast and I always tried to ensure that I cooked whatever his preferences were.

"So, you all set for your first day?" He asked, knowing I was actually dreading it. I merely nodded feeling ill already. I had not spoken to any of my friends over the vacation and did not know how to answer their questions or whether to tell them or no. But my true fear was Caroline actually. I did not know what she would do but knowing her evil ways I was sure it would be bad. She had been smirking around me lately, just sly little smirks for my eyes only.

"Honey," he whispered as he came to my side and hugged me. Pulling back a little, he looked deep into my eyes and said," If you are worried about people talking about our marriage, don't tell anyone about it. Its private anyways, if you think your best friends will understand, tell them what you think is right, as for the others, they need not know anything. "

I nodded not really knowing how to tell him about my fears. I feared his mad daughter. She was an evil bitch but he loved her so much. I couldn't mess their already messed up relation. But I think with age comes understanding or maybe he already understood me so well , his next words to me were," If my daughter tries to give you hell, just walk up to her and whisper these words into her ears, "See you at home mia picola" and smirk away. She will shut up." 

I looked confused. He began to laugh. It's simple. You are calling her your little child and telling her that she would have to meet you at home. You are chiding her just like my mother would do to us when we were kids. It always worked. "

Taking a deep breath I snuggled into his chest while he held me, kissing the top of my head. I liked these small gestures. We simply stood there lost in ourselves when that bitch walked in.

"Jeez you guys cut it out. Don’t you have a bedroom? I cannot stand perverts early in the morning okay?" There she goes, for the life of me, I never understood how she could throw poison darts at us even early in the morning. Oh well, I did not have time to bother with her right now.

I stepped back and gestured him to finish his breakfast while I went on to make her omelets. I did not like to but I couldn’t be selfish and to allow her to stay hungry or demand she cooks on her own, so I always cooked her food, washed her clothes and cleaned out her mess as if I was her mother. My mom wanted me to when I told her about our situation.

"Rudra, when you married him, you vowed to accept him and his family, becoming a part of his family so even if your new daughter is your age, it is your duties to look after her and to make her accept you while you accept her." I nodded into the phone as if she could see me. These would have been my vows had I married the traditional way so I tried to keep them.

I flipped her omelet onto her plate and gave it to her. I then gave her skimmed milk and an apple. I had already prepared lunch for us and was ready to go to school. I was a morning person so it was a ritual for me to get the food done before he left. I liked it when he came home for lunch. He came home, every single day to spend some alone time with me. I did not know how it would be know.

"So babe, what is for lunch?" He asked casually and I smiled, sometimes we actually spoke the others thoughts aloud. I don't know how, but we did. "Rice and beans, just the way I like it," I smirked. “Yumm babe, I like it too." He knew it was my comfort food. Early on, he had come home once and found me alone in the garden, sitting crossed legged on the grass and eating rice and beans with my fingers. He had laughed at me.

"You look like a child", he had taunted, who eats with their hands? "He asked. “Loads of people” I said, “The food tastes better this way and the energy your body makes, and well it mixes with the food and goes back into your body.” I had tried to explain. Nodding, he tried to eat with his hands. He couldn't he was so messy that he dropped it everywhere. So I fed him with mine. He had licked my fingers then.

From that day onwards, he came home every day and asked me to cook traditional Indian food for him. He liked eating Butter chicken and biryani even the Indian deserts. He learnt to eat with his hands too; took him sometime though. He would spoil his shirt so I used to tuck a napkin around him, like a bib and we would laugh. He had started taking off his shirt for lunch when we got a little comfortable around each other.

He loved it when I fed him too. He now became an expert and used to feed me while I served him or something. He had seen me roaming around in a sari once. He had liked it and would ask me to wear it whenever we were alone. He let me keep my identity while exploring a little about my culture. I liked him for that and thanked Lord Ganesh for giving me an understanding husband.

"Hello step momma" Caro brought me back to the present by waving her hand in front of me. "Could you please serve me some fruits?" She asked with sarcasm, “That is if you have finished mooning over my father." I blushed and began to cut her fruit.

This year was going to be long. I just knew it. 

Suddenly ‘Love story’ began to play on Caro's cell. Now that was strange; a cheesy love song as the school slut's ringtone? Weird! I looked at her from the corner of my eye and smirked. She seemed ecstatic for some reason and dived to answer it before I could read the display.

"Hi honey," she purred and her dad choked over his coffee; typical dad reaction. I laughed as I handed him a tissue." You coming to pick me up baby, I have missed you soo much!" She squealed and then nodded as if he could see her. "I'll be ready in fifteen baby," she purred and raced out to her room leaving her half eaten breakfast and a pissed dad behind.

Well, moms always have to clean up their child's mess’s right, so I guess I too have to. Sighing I got to work.

Exactly fifteen minutes later the bell rang and my hubby rushed to open the door. He seemed eager to meet her boyfriend. Come to think of it, I was a little curious too. Who could make the school slut this happy?

My curiosity was answered when I heard the painfully familiar voice at the door.


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