Part 13 Dakota

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I ran as fast as I could toward the sounds with Hoot clinging to my back.  We rounded the corner and what I saw horrified me.  There stood Blade with little Amira in her jaws.  Amira was whimpering as Blade was growling and biting down hard.
"This is what happens when you disobey your mother," Blade was growling.  At the edge of the clearing lay a limp, torn up Sahar.  Kyan was nowhere in sight.
"I told you to keep your brothers both here.  It was lucky that I got back in time to catch at least one of them," Blade growled.  She dropped Amira to the ground and kicked her into the side of a tree.  She whimpered and said, "I'm sorry, momma.  I tried, but they insisted on leaving.  They said they missed the pack." 
"The pack did nothing for us.  They are all worthless piles of garbage," Blade roared.  She grabbed Amira by the head and shook her.  She yelped in pain, which only made Blade shake harder. 
"I took care of your father when he stole food from us, I took care of one of your brothers when they tried to sneak out, and now I'm going to take care of you for not obeying."
She dropped Amira again and bit down on her small, fragile neck and I heard a small crunch.  I felt Hoot sway and almost fall off of my back.  I charged forward and grabbed Blade by the neck.  She growled in surprise.
"How dare you do that to your own flesh and blood?" I growled.
"I am disciplining my pups," she growled back, now pinned down.
"What pups, there are none left!" I roared in anger.  I wanted to kill her right then and there, but I held myself back.  "We are taking you back to the pack for a trial."
"Not while I'm alive you're not," she growled and snapped her jaws shut on my leg.  I howled in pain and jumped back.  I felt Hoot lift off into the air and saw her dive down onto Blade's haunches.  She turned her head to try to bite Hoot, leaving her neck exposed.  I mentally apologized and bit down.

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