Part 10 Misty

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We were all exhausted after the battle with the wolves. We all slept through that night and most of the next day. We ate through all of our food and we were getting hungry, but none of us wanted to leave. The wolves might have been still hanging around. Finally, Dakota found the bravery to venture out. He came running back after about an hour with his tail wagging.
"The wolves have gone for good!" Dakota exclaimed. We were all so relieved to hear the news. That meant we could all finally go hunting! We all rushed out in different directions and went hunting. We didn't bother bringing anything we found back, we just ate it on the spot. Most of the prey had been scared off from the wolves charging through earlier, but we still managed to find some food. I found two squirrels and a mouse which I scarfed down on the spot. We all met back up as the sun was setting and we all went to sleep with full stomachs.

A New BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora