Part 9 Dakota

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It was chaos. Everyone was biting and scratching wherever they could. I heard Misty yowl a while ago, but I couldn't do a thing to help her. I was trying to fend off as many wolves as I could without going down. Suddenly, an idea dawned on me.
"Everyone, come to me!" I barked as loud as I could. I hoped everyone had heard. I heard a flutter as Hoot swooped in front of me and attacked one of the wolves. Misty pressed up against my leg and slashed out at some young wolves that were getting to close. Bandit ran under my legs and jumped at a large brown wolf. If we all fought in the same spot at the same time, it would be easier to fight them off. We all stood back to back while biting at anything we could. Eventually, the wolves were thinning out. There were more and more fleeing and the braver ones were getting tired. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the last of the wolves ran off. We were all slumped down together on the ground, but we had won. We had proven to those wolves that we weren't going to give our new home up that easily. It was ours now and everyone knew it.  We were the cast outs, the ones who didn't know what they were missing.  We didn't just have a new home, we had a new beginning.

The End

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