Part 3 Bandit

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          I was very satisfied with my dinner. I had found two apple cores, a half empty bag of chips, and a partially eaten hotdog. That was probably more than all of my dinners from that week combined. I lived under a tree near an old gravel road in the country. Usually, I could rely on people throwing food out of their cars, but occasionally I had to look for bugs in old logs or on trees. In the winter, there are no bugs so I have to rely on only human food. As I got close to my home, I heard voices. One thing I will absolutely not tolerate is trespassers. Everyone in the forest knows where my borders are and to stay out. I was going to have to teach the new folk a lesson they wouldn't forget anytime soon. I crept up as quietly as I could and peeked down into my hollow. There was a large brown and black dog with a white and cream cat sleeping in my hollow. I would have to lure them out to have enough area for a fight. I kicked a clump of dirt onto the cat and ran into the bush. Immediately I heard the cat screech and the dog jump up.
          "What was it?" the dog growled.
          "S-something kicked dirt on me," the cat said as she crept out of the hollow.
          "Hello? Is anyone out there?" she meowed loudly. I lunged out of the bush and attacked her. She hissed in surprise and tried to run away. I grabbed her tail and she whipped around and tried to bite my leg, but before she could, the dog jumped out and pinned me to the ground.
          "Who are you and why did you attack us?" the dog growled, baring his teeth.
          "You better get out! This is my home that you two were sleeping in," I hissed back. "And I am going to make you pay for your unfortunate mistake."

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