Part 11 Bandit

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It has been five months since the wolf attack and we have all changed so much.  Misty is much less fearful now than she was then.  Dakota has become an excellent hunter and has accepted that his owners aren't coming back.  Hoot  has solved many a problems we've had and has made a nest in the top of the tree.  And I have finally told them about my past.  I told them everything about how my father died, how my mother left me and my younger brother, how my brother starved, even how I found the tree and guarded my territory with my life.  On the first day we all met, Dakota had said, "Not that you would ever know what it is like to need a new home."  That sentence had haunted my dreams since he said that, and eventually I had to tell them.  They were very understanding when I told them, they even caught food just for me all that day.  I was so touched.  I had never had anyone care about me that much in my life, so to suddenly have 3 caring friends by my side made me feel loved for the first time.

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