Part 8 Hoot

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          I was very surprised that Bandit asked to go hunt.  I wonder what got into him I thought as we waited for Dakota and Misty to get back.  We heard a loud crash as Dakota broke through the bushes chasing a mouse.  I flew after it and snatched it from in front of him.  He growled with surprise.  I would be surprised too if someone flew in front of me while I was hunting. 
          "What are you doing here?" he asked.
           "Bandit and I went hunting while you two were gone," I explained as I landed on a nearby branch.
          "Well, the more food the better," said Dakota happily as he trotted back to the tree.  When we got back, I dropped the mouse into the pile and looked at the small pile of food.  We now had seven mice and four leaf wraps.  We were going to feast.  We each had one leaf wrap and two mice, except for Dakota who had three.  We were stuffed to the brim.  We were sitting and watching the sunset, when we heard a loud howl.  Suddenly, from my perch, I saw at least twenty wolves circling our wall.
          "Umm...guys. The wolves are outside of the wall," I said quietly.  Dakota slowly stood up and faced the wall, ready to attack.  Misty stood next to him, puffing up her long fur.  Bandit peeked through the small hole, then backed up against the tree.  I didn't move and watched for signs of attack.  I heard a small woof and all of the wolves stopped and faced the wall.
          "The leader told them to wait for his command," Dakota whispered.  I got ready to take flight.  There was a snarl, and all of the wolves jumped at the wall.  I took off into the air and heard a mixture of snarls and yelps.  I turned and saw that some of the wolves had landed flat on our prickly wall.  Good, there are less to fight I thought.  I heard Misty screech as a small grey wolf grabbed her tail.  I swooped down and clawed its head.  It howled and ran away along with some that walked on the wall.  Dakota was growling and biting at any wolves that got near, while Misty was clawing, hissing, and biting, and Bandit was darting around and attacking feet.  We were all trying our best, but within the first few minutes we were losing.

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