He's Not Getting Better (Could be triggering that's your warning!)

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I sit with Ludwig in my Father's study. I didn't know who I could trust with this information, but I had to tell someone.

"What's going on Elizabeth?" Ludwig asks gently.

"I-I.....Philip's doctors they...." Tears roll from my eyes.

"It's alright. You're safe with me so are the kids." Ludwig soothes.

"Philip is the danger." I sob out. "His doctors diagnosed him schizophrenic and-" I muffle another sob.

"They think he's a threat to Vienna and yourself." Ludwig finishes for me.

"It's not only us. They fear for Ciel and Sebastian as well. Philip doesn't even know yet." Ludwig reaches over and gently grabs my hand.

"They're with them now yes?" He asks.

"Mhm." I reply and use my free hand to wipe my tears.

"Get a dinner set up. I'll take care of the rest."


Philip just sits and stares out at the fields his sister is running around in. He's said maybe three words this entire trip. I know it has something to do with Claude and the removal of Alois.

"Philip you alright?" I ask and he just stares up at me.

His eyes are almost lifeless. There's dark circles under them and he just looks unfriendly. Not the kid I remember.

"What's going on kid? Talk to me." I plead while taking a seat next to him.

Before any words can be exchanged Mey-Rin runs a phone out to me.

"It's Elizabeth yes it is." She says urgently.

"Mother...." Philip whispers.

"Ciel!" I call and he picks Vienna up before running over to us.

"No Sebastian just you." Elizabeth says quietly. I can tell she's been crying.

"Alright it's just me." I say gently into the phone.

"Is there anyway you could set up a dinner for everyone tonight. Ludwig will be tagging along." She asks gently.

"Yea sure I can do that!" I cherps.

"One last favor.....cook my Philip's favorite please." Before I can question she hangs up. A desperate sob was the last thing I heard.

"What was that about?" Ciel asks quietly.

"Brother! Brother listen to me!" Vienna shouts but Philip just stares blankly at her.

"We're having a dinner with Elizabeth and Ludwig tonight." I inform. Ciel nods slightly and frowns down at Philip.

"Philip did you take your medication?" Philip's empty eyes snap up to meet Ciel's.

"Which one? I took the big one." Philip answers emotionlessly.

"Alright that's the only one that matters."


"Vienna!" Philip shouts before storming off.

Ciel just looks up at me with teary eyes. I lean down and place a gentle kiss on his lips.

"He'll be okay."

Time Skip


I sit next to Ludwig at dinner and force my tears back. Ciel's visible eye is full of hurt, but I know he understands.

"This is really good Sebastian. Don't you think so Philip?" I ask just to try and hear his voice.

"Yea it's good." He replies causing my heart to ache.

Vienna grabs his arm due to excitement and Philip flinches so hard he nearly hits her!

"Philip you alright?" Sebastian asks but Ludwig is staring wide eyed at my first born.

"Pull your sleeve up." He orders.

"Watch your tone!" Ciel snaps back.

Philip just stares at Ludwig. Chills run down my spine as I watch him watch us.

Then they enter. The doctors in the white jackets. I notice Ciel grab Sebastian hand.

The doctors grab Philip and he instantly starts to fight against them.

"MUM WHAT IS THIS!" He cries as the doctors start to overpower him.

"LET GO OF ME!" Everybody just stays silent and tears fall from my eyes.

Vienna sits in Ludwig's lap safely. She hides her eyes in his chest.

"MOTHER!" Ciel and I get up and follow the doctors out.

"It's okay Philip." I sob as he fights even more.

"WHERE ARE WE GOING!?!" Philip cries as he forces his way out of the back of the truck.

"It'll be okay Philip." Ciel says calmly, his hand rests gently on my hip.

"Please let me ride with him! I'll calm him down!" I beg but the doctors only slam doors in Philip's face and place Ciel and I in our car.

"This will help him Elizabeth. It'll be okay." Ciel whispers as I sob.

At the psychiatric hospital

"MOTHER PLEASE NO!" Philip sobs as he gets strapped to a stretcher.

"MOTHER PLEASE! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! PLEASE!" Philip continues to scream and sob and fight against the doctors.

He gets shoved onto a bed rather harshly. My heart aches at the sight of his arms. I watch helplessly as they strap him into a straight jacket.

"MOTHER NO! WITH ME GONE HE'LL COME FOR YOU! PLEASE NO!" The last thing I hear before the doors get closed is Philip sobbing my name.

Ciel pulls me into a hug and I instantly hug back. He let's me sob into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Philip." I cry before allowing Ciel to drag me back out to the car.

I sob angrily while Ciel drives back to his manner.

"Elizabeth crying isn't going to do anything." Ciel mumbles.

"Something's fucked with our son Ciel! Our baby! Our first born! And we let it get this bad!" I shout back at him.

I stayed silent the rest of the way back to the manner. When we got back all I could do is sit on the stairs and wait. Philip's last cries echo through my mind.

With me gone he'll come for you!

The cuts on my son's arms......pentagrams.....the rumors of demon contracts within the Phantomhive family......

"Come out you bitch!" I shout at whatever is messing with my family. "Leave my children alone!"

I feel Ludwig take a seat beside me and wrap his arms around me. I allow myself to hug back and sob.

Nothing! Absolutely nothing! I can't allow myself to believe my son is going to be this way the rest of his life......

But he wasn't getting better.....and now he never will.

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