It's All Coming Together Now

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Later that night


Ciel let's out a soft moan as I nip at his neck. His hands make their way into my hair and he tugs. I pull back causing him to pout and me to grin.

"Mistake?" I ask hoping he'll deny it.

"Definitely." Ciel grins before rejoining our lips in a rough kiss. My hand trail up and down his bare torso lightly.

Slowly and cautiously I let my hand make its way down to Ciel's pant hem. We break our kiss to make eye contact. Ciel just nods slightly, his cheeks the color of the roses I planted yesterday.

But before I can get very far a scream erupts through the manner.

"FATHER!" Ciel's off my lap and sprinting towards the guest floor faster than I could even process the cry. This has happened before.

With a sigh I get up and make my way towards the boys.

"Mr. Sebastian are we needed?" Mey-Rin asks sleepily.

"No." I snap and she runs off.


"Hey. Hey. Shhh it was just a dream. Breathe." I soothe Philip as he cries.

"Was it the same one?" I ask and he nods while taking desperate puff on his inhaler.

"I-I didn't b-bring the *cough* coat!" Philip sobs.

"Ciel?" Philip looks towards the door and I can tell he's humiliated.

"Philip?!" I shout when his eyes get a vacant look. "Philip respond!" I beg.

"Does this happen normally?" Sebastian asks.

"Yes! I need the coat damn it! Philip keep your eyes open damn it!" As I start panicking disaster strikes.

Philip starts to gasp and cough so hard new tears begin to fall from his eyes.

"Sebastian get a bucket." I order and he's gone and back within a split second.

"Come on Philip breathe. You're okay. It was just a dream." I soothe and sit the bucket in his lap.

"C-an't *gasp* b-" Philip gets sick mid-sentence. I force my tears back as I watch him sob uncontrollably over the bucket.

"Hey kid look at me." Sebastian says and sits on Philip's other side.

I watch as my son gasps before looking over at the demon who raised me. Sebastian pulls Philip into his arms sweat and all. I feel myself genuinely smile.

"You're okay. Breathe kiddo." Sebastian comforts and I watch Philip start to relax.

"He's going to crash again soon Sebastian." I warn but he doesn't let go of Philip.

"That's it. Breathe." Philip slides the bucket back towards me as he breathes in Sebastian's scent.

I watch as Philip falls back alseep in Sebastian's arms. He was so quick to trust him.

"Go back to our room. I'll be in momentarily." Sebastian whispers while laying Philip back down.


I watch as Ciel walks off with the bucket, leaving me alone with his son. Gently I run my fingers through Philip's hair. I caught scent of something the second I walked into the room.

I've been having weird dreams and hallucinations lately as well. Maybe there isn't anything wrong with Philip like his parents seem to think. Whatever has been screwing around with me lately has obviously been screwing around with Philip to.

"You leave him alone." I growl silently. "He did nothing to you or to provoke you."

"S-Sebastian?" Philip mumbles.

"It's okay I'm here." I whisper. "I'll always be right here."


I lay in bed silently waiting for Sebastian to return. Tears leak from my eyes. My poor son.

"Ciel what is that dream about?" Sebastian says suddenly. I sit up and gesture for him to do the same.

"He always has the same dream and it horrifies him." I pause and close my eyes.

"He sees a small child running through a-a burning manner crying for his parents to help. Then it jumps to him watching a cult do n-not okay things to the child." I begin to sob.

"It's okay Ciel you don't have to say anymore. I understand." Sebastian comforts and pulls me into his arm.

"Then he tells me he sees the child reach out towards a tall figure dressed in all black. Then a pentagram looking thing fills his vision. Philip said it has gold and some other colors on it. He always wakes up right after not able to breathe."


My eyes widen. Claude. Alois' reincarnation. It's all starting to make sense.

"I've been having a dream over and over again as well." I admit.

"Please share because if there isn't anything wrong with him god I don't know how I'm going to explain to Elizabeth." I give Ciel a quick reassuring kiss before starting my nightmare.

"It always starts out with you shouting that I'm no better than Claude was." Ciel's eyes widen due to a sudden realization. "In the dream I'm in hell with him. He shouts at me all the ways he was better than me yet everybody still sees him as the villain and not me." I take a deep breath.

"The one that always sticks with me is how he died a Trancy Butler, but when I-I left you in Paris I acted as if I knew nothing about you because I no longer cared about your soul. Ciel it was never-I don't know what was going through my head when I thought leaving you like that was a good idea." Tears leak from my eyes and drip down onto Ciel's head.

"Neither of you did very good things, but I can't say I prefer him over you. It was you that stole my heart and refuses to give it back." My eyes widen as Ciel rolls away from me.

He clicks his lamp off and I turn to wrap an arm around him. He instantly turns and snuggles into my chest.

"You're not a mistake Sebastian. I love you. Always." I kiss his head gently.

"I love you too my Ciel, always."

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