My Dear Sebastian, My Dear Ciel

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That night


I lay awake in bed. Sebastian's strong arms are wrapped around me. Neither of us have been able to sleep. I turn so my head is rested on Sebastian chest.

"Sebastian listen about that tall we mentioned earlier today...." My eyes swell up with tears.

"It's okay Ciel. I already know what you're about to say." Sebastian whispers.

"I'm sorry Sebastian. My father wasn't around for me, and I can't let my own son feel this way. Philip deserves better." Sebastian tightens his grip on me.

"That's this name, Philip." I say with a smile. "I'm going to protect him the way you always protected me."

"What about me?" Sebastian chokes out. "Who's going to take care of me."

Is he going to cry?

"Ciel it's as hard on me as it is on you." No no no. Please don't cry.

"Sebastian please don't cry. Please." I beg while holding on tighter to him.

"I'm sorry I'm being selfish." Sebastian takes a deep breath. "Just know that I'll always support you in any way I can."

"I'll always love you Sebastian. Always." I reach up and rub my right eye. That's when it hits me. Sebastian must be starving......

"God you're probably so hungry." This time it's my turn to break into sobs. "I'm so sorry Sebastian."

"Shhh don't cry Ciel. Just go to sleep you've got a long day tomorrow." Sebastian gently moves me so I'm laing directly on top of him.

I can hear his steady heartbeat and within minutes I'm fast asleep.

● Next Day ●


I wake up alone. There's a note next to me where Ciel should've been.

Dear Sebastian,

I have a meeting with Elizabeth's Father. Don't jump to conclusions just yet my dear. I'll be back to finish packing and say goodbyes tonight.

Remember I'll always love you,

-Ciel Alexander Phantomhive

I sigh and force myself to get up. Suddenly the letter we received yesterday pops back into my mind. I never read it.

No I have to work first. Work comes first always.

Before getting dressed I finish Ciel's packing for him. I slip the letters I wrote to Ciel into his bag.

I force myself to get dressed and walk downstairs. To my suprise there's a decent looking cake sat on the table. The other Servants are standing around it with grins.

"What a this?" I ask and Mey-Rin blushes.

"We thought it might cheer you up. To have some cake and the day off." Finny says gently.

My eyes widen. The day off? The letter!

"Y-yes thank you! Put it in the kitchen." I order before sprinting up into my room.

I go straight to the beside table's drawer. The letter is out of the envelope almost instantly.

My sweet Ciel, Eyes of blue
What kind of person is deep within you?
The one not coated in layers of hate
No one could save you; for it was too late.

You gave your soul for a demon slave
Bittersweet revenge is all you crave
But there was a time when you were sweet
Until death and despair you had to meet.

My dear Ciel, With a broken smile,
Your happiness only lasted awhile.
Your heart broken that it can never heal
Gave away your soul for a silly deal

You think Sebastian cares for you,
I'm sorry but that was never true,
He's wanted your soul from the very start,
Wanted to devour it and rip you apart.

My dear Ciel, How does it feel,
To know demons are actually real,
No one could save you and now it's too late,
Never can you enter through heaven's gate.

Your mother and father killed by a fire,
Revenge is all you crave and desire,
A Butler to help with your everyneed,
But he is only blinded by burning greed.

Life to you was just a game of chess,
You wanted the most and nothing less,
So in the end; Do you stand or fall?
Did the fragile king fall?

My dear Ciel, I always knew,
Your eyes should be red.
Instead of blue.

My heart skyrockets in my chest. The poem wasn't signed by anyone! So who knows our secret?! If the public finds out Ciel's career will actually be over.

I rack my brain for anyone who might have ran their mouth. The only person who comes up is Alois.

Anger floods into me. That damn orphan brat! How could he do this after everything Ciel's done for him!

I find myself storming towards the staircase, where Alois is.

"ALOIS!" I shout and he turns towards me. His eyes fly open instantly.


I open the door carelessly.

"Sebastian I'm h-" My jaw drops.

Sebastian has Alois pinned to the wall my his shirt front. Alois is sobbing about something.

"I-I-I n-ever said a-anything!" Alois sobs out and Sebastian just stares at me in horror.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ABOUT?!" I shout as Sebastian drops Ciel.

"I made you cards. They're laying on our bed." Sebastian says casually while I walk towards them.

I ignore Sebastian and kneel in front of still sobbing Alois.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask while he sobs.

"I-I can't say." Alois cries. "But I promise it wasn't me. I promise. I'm so grateful for everything you two have done for me." Alois takes off down the stairs and out the door after that.

"Sebastian what was that about?!" I snap up at him. His eyes are still changed that magenta color with the cat pupils.

"Sebastian!" I shout to get his attention. He seems to be in a complete different world. His eyes suddenly fill with tears before he snaps back to normal.

"It's nothing my dear Ciel. I finished y-your packing." He cries.

"Alright. Go get dinner ready I've got something to write." I say before pulling Sebastian over to kiss me.

His hands instantly fly into my hair and mine fall around his waist. Sebastian is the one who cuts the kiss short.

"Go get your writing done." He whispers before disappearing downing stairs.

Tears fill my eyes as I walk to my study, to write my goodbye.


Poems not mine just something I found online. Credit to the author because it's amazing!

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