In a World Where Demons Can Love, and I Can Be Free

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I call Sebastian into my study and ready myself to deliver the news. Lizzy sits beside me silently. She never knew about me and Sebastian....I tried to talk her into letting me tell him alone but she insisted she be here.

"You called?" Sebastian sounds slightly irritated as he looks at us.

"Can you sit for a second?" Lizzy asks quietly. Sebastian just nods and pulls up a chair. My hearts racing, I can't look him in the eye.

"Ciel are you going to-"

"Give him time Elizabeth." Sebastian says calmly. I need to speak before Lizzy gets pissed. This is our fifth try a this, and it isn't getting any easier.

"S-Sebastian I-" Tears swell up in my eyes as I look at the man I love more than life itself.

"It's okay my lord. Take your time." Sebastian assures.


"Goddamn it Ciel, we're getting married in two weeks!" Lizzy blurts and a single tear runs down my cheek.

I watch as Sebastian's eyes fill with sadness. This is all my fault. I didn't want to hurt him, but I don't have a choice!

"You do have a choice!" Sebastian shouts at me.

"No Sebastian I don't!" I shout back completely ignoring the fact Lizzy is hearing this.

"No, no no no no no! I don't believe this!" Sebastian argues.

"Sebastian what's not to believe? Why do you even care that we are getting married? Shouldn't you be happy?" Lizzy snaps. All I can do is look down at my lap and let the tears fall.

"You're lying! You aren't going to force him to marry you!" Sebastian yells at Lizzy.

"She's not forcing me to do anything!" I shout causing the room to fall silent.

"Ciel you're crying." Lizzy sounds concerned but I ignore it and focus on Sebastian.

"If she's not forcing you then explain everything that has happened between us through this past year! You told me you loved me!" I notice the other servants looking into the room from the door with shocked expressions.

"I'm sorry!" I cry and Lizzy stands up beside me. I attempt to grab her arm and pull her back down but she just jerks away.

"How dare you make him feel this way!" Lizzy shouts an already angry enough Sebastian.

"You think you know who he really is?! If you did-"

"You're talking about Ciel's feelings for you! I've known for a long time he loved you instead of me!" Lizzy comment shuts Sebastian up.

"Elizabeth..." I attempt to stop her but she continues.

"Ciel's need to please his family is something I find extremely honorable. If you can't see that then shame on you. There's no need to hurt Ciel over it." Lizzy finishes.

"Sebastian I.....I want you to be my best ma-"

"No. I refuse to let you ruin your life with this! Ciel look at me!" I look up to find Sebastian's red eyes filled with tears.

"I refuse to let you live an unhappy life on my watch. I never thought I would have to say this but-"

"Sebastian no!" Finny cries but is only ignored.

I can feel my heart breaking more and more as Sebastian leans down towards me. He takes my chin in between his thumb and pointer finger before saying.

"I quit." Sebastian releases me and walks out of the room.

He took 17 large steps before disappearing out of my sight, out of my life.

"Ciel are you o-"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shout and sprint towards my room.

"Master Ciel wait!" Bard calls but I just keep running.

Once I reach my room I rip my eyepatch off and let all my sobs out. I don't want Lizzy! I don't want to spend the rest of my life with her! I just want Sebastian!

How could he do this to me?! Why couldn't he just have understood?! The tears pour from my eyes faster and faster.

I run to my window and throw it open. He couldn't have gotten to far, Sebastian doesn't use his demon abilities when he's this shaken up.

"I HATE YOU!" I shout into the cold air. My voice echoes and I instantly regret my use of words.

He promised he'd kill me before he left! He promised!

"YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE!" I cry out before slumping to the floor to hopefully drown in my own tears.

"I love you." I cry almost silently. "And I'm so sorry. Hopefully we can meet again....In another life." I burst into another fit of frantic sobs.

"In a world where demons can love and I can be free."

Sebastian! I Order You To Tell Me Your Story (Sebaciel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant