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Summer break is here! You know what that means. More updates and new books! 😏


One Month Later...


I sat at my desk looking through pictures for my next client's house. It feels so good to finally be able to put all my focus into work.

The last time I spoke to August was when I broke things off with him. It's been a whole month and he's still blowing up my phone everyday.

I miss him like crazy, but I need time for myself. Maybe we were a little in over our heads with the whole relationship.

"Ria, I need you to go talk to my boy." Chris barged into my office.


"He won't leave the house, all he does is sit by the phone all day."

I sighed, "Chris, I can't talk to him right now. You're his best friend, I'm sure you can help."

"No, he won't talk to anyone. Ria, he's talking about giving up on music."

My head shot up, "What do you mean 'give up' music?"

"I mean what I said. Why you just leave him like that?" He asked.

"You wouldn't understand, Chris."

"All I know is is that you're the only person that can get through to him and whatever you two are going through needs to be fixed, pronto." He told me before leaving.

I sat back in my chair, letting out a dramatic sigh.


I knocked on the front door to August's house, not wanting to be here. After knocking for a good five minutes I decided to just walk in.

To my surprise the door was unlocked. August doesn't leave his door unlocked so I began to feel a little worried.

The house was completely dark and silent. I walked upstairs to his bedroom hearing the sound of sniffling.

"August?" I slowly pushed the bedroom door open to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, sobbing into his hands. The ring sat on the nightstand.

I stood in front of him and he slowly looked up. He looked horrible. He had bags under his red, teary eyes with the accommodation of dark circles as well.

"Y-you came back?"

I stayed silent. Right now I couldn't believe the August I was seeing right now. He was so...vulnerable.

"August, what are you doing to yourself?" I spoke in a low voice, still in shock.

He didn't respond. He just wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my stomach.

I soon began to feel his tears wetting my shirt.

"Please s-stay. I promise I'a do betta'." He pleaded.

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