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I was really sitting here about to confess how I felt.

"Orianna, I like-"

The doorbell ringed, cutting me off mid sentence.

"Hold that thought." She told me befo' gettin' up.

I silently groaned in frustration when she dissappeared around the corner. Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't tell her.

Farrah and her appeared around the corner making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Hey August." She gave me a seductive smirk.

"Hi." I dryly said to her.

"What did you want to tell me?" Sunrise asked.

"Nothin' it's not important right na'."

"You sure?"


"So how are you, August?" Farrah asked, sitting really close to me.

I scooted away from her, "I'm fine, Farrah." I said in a slightly annoyed tone.


"Ya know what, I'm 'bout to leave. I'll text you, Sunrise." I cut Farrah off.

"You're leaving?" She pouted.

I looked at Farrah then back at her, "Yeah."

I grabbed my stuff before leaving.


"So what's going on with you and August?" Farrah asked me.

"What do you mean? He's my best friend."

"Good because you know I like him."

"But you do realize he doesn't feel the same, right?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

She giggled, "What makes you think that?"

"The fact that he's always annoyed when you're around." I stated in a duh tone.

"He's just playing hard to get."

I starting to wonder if this girl is delusional or plain crazy.


I knocked on the door of August's house. He left so upset that I wanted to check on him.

He opened up the door and gave me an intense look.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I will be."

He got closer and raised my head by my chin before planting a passionate kiss on my lips.

"Let me kiss away your pain." He said.

He placed his lips on mine. I missed this feeling so much. I felt his arms go behind me, squeezing my back and I shiver at his touch. I didn't know what to feel right now... He always fucked me up. I was doing fine without this feeling. Now it's back...

Self HateWhere stories live. Discover now