~ chapter eleven ~

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Last time: Gunter led his army of penguins into the Candy Castle and took Princess Bubblegum. Marceline blacked out after being hurt by Gunter.

~ marceline's pov ~

I could hear penguins, penguins everywhere. Surrounding me. Slowly, I opened my eyes. Brilliant, shining ice made up the ceilings and walls. Thousands of penguins surround me. I am in the Ice Castle. Gaining a sense of energy all at once, I stand up and shout. "Where is Princess Bubblegum? Where'd you put her?"

I will be dealing with her shortly, after I deal with you. She's not dead... Yet. I looked down to see Gunter, using telekinesis to communicate with me.

She's alive, I thought, it'll be okay, PB is alive.

I hear your thoughts, Marceline. It won't be okay. You'll both be dead within minutes. Gunter continued to use his telekinetic powers to communicate.

"Not if I kill you first!" I shouted in a burst of anger. I slammed my body ontop of his and punched and kicked.

The same force from earlier whipped my body into the air and I hit the wall of ice. I wiped a single tear from my eye and stood up again. "I'm not going down without a fight!" I shouted.

Hearing the commotion, Simon walked into the room. "Is something wrong, Gunter?" Gunter quacked in response but Simon didn't seem to listen. "Marceline, is that you?"

He looked at me and I nodded. "Gunter is evil! He's stolen PB and he's going to kill us both! He wants to take over the universe!"

Ice King laughed. "Silly Marceline, he couldn't do that!"

Gunter let out an angry screech and Simon, too, was thrown against a wall. "Oh dear," he said, "well, sorry I didn't listen, Marcy."

For a second, I could see the old Simon. The one that loved me and despised the crown and its demented powers.

"Gunter, penguins, I love you! Daddy wuvs you, can't you tell?" Ice King was talking in a "baby voice".  Does he have a plan? "Why don't you put old pawpaw down?"

Simon slowly lowered to the ground and he winked at me. "C'm here, Gunter buddy" he coaxed. Gunter turned his back, and Ice King looked genuinely hurt. He lifted his arms and took a deep breath. He shouted some weird spell, and red light exploded from his hands.

Gunter was hit. He had his back turned, and began to writhe with pain. Green light from his body began to go toward Simon, who absorbed it. I could still see their souls. Gunter's was becoming cleaner and cleaner, while Simon's became more evil. Finally, Ice King had absorbed all of the evil.

His body was glowing, and he was in serious pain. "Kill me Marceline, you'll be safer that way." He croaked. He conjured a sword of ice and handed it to me. "Do it now!"

I then realized that I was sobbing. "No, Simon, no! I love you!"

"You have to! Before the evil takes over!"

I nodded, knowing what had to be done. I gave him one last hug. "I love you Simon," I whispered.

"I love you too, Marcy."

And then I killed him. I stabbed him with the ice sword. He fell into my arms, and I just stared at him. It all felt like a blur, between the tears and the memories, and the evil clouding my thoughts.

I stood there for a minute, crying and contemplating. But I knew there wasn't much time. The last time I saw PB, she was in really bad shape. I have to hurry.


I searched through endless rooms of the Ice Castle, until I finally found her. She was lying on a bed of ice, her eyes closed peacefully and her hair slightly messed up. Tears formed in my eyes once more. I walked slowly up to her and ran my thumb on her wrist. Her pulse was slow and diminishing quickly. I planted a gentle kiss on her lips and turned to leave. There was no way for her to survive.

I sat down outside, crying. She's gone. She's really gone. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. "Hi, Marceline."

I turned around. Could it be?

Princess Bubblegum smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. "I thought you were dead..." I whispered, still crying.

"It was a sleeping curse," she explained. "Gunter put it on me to make you sad and distracted so he could kill you more easily. I'm just so happy you're okay. As soon as I found out how strong and evil Gunter was, I thought for sure he would kill you." Tears began to form on her face too.

"Simon saved me," was all I could manage to say. We walked inside and saw the thousands of penguins there, mourning the loss of the Ice King. "He sucked the evil out of them. Absorbed it into himself, and I had to kill him." I cried and cried. Simon was like my father. I picked up his body so that we can bury it.

"Let's go. We can have a memorial ceremony and explain what happened." Said Bubblegum. I nodded and we began to leave.

~ princess bubblegum's pov ~

We began to leave the Ice Castle. I couldn't believe what just happened. We both almost died today. The Ice King did die. What should say this couldn't happen again, and that that time, we wouldn't both be so lucky?

I couldn't help but notice Marceline's muscles as we left the Ice Kingdom. She was so strong, and it was so hot. She was able to pick up the Ice King's body with barely any effort. I couldn't help but blush just thinking about it.


Later, we buried the Ice King and I comforted Marceline. "We'll do something fun tomorrow, to get our minds off of this, if you want."

She nodded and I smiled. I have the perfect idea.


Yeah so Simon is dead and I'm really sad about that :(

Well, I'll write again soon! AFTER YALL SEE THIS HERE GIF!!!!

Well, I'll write again soon!  AFTER YALL SEE THIS HERE GIF!!!!

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Love you guys <3

~ Ricky

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