~ chapter nine ~

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Last time: Marceline and PB finish their camping trip with a suprise visit from LSP. Marceline accidentally tells LSP that FP is bisexual. LSP and FP hook up. Marceline freaks out because of not being able to keep the secret. She had a bad dream, but woke up with PB calming her down.

~ marceline's pov ~

The next few days were quiet. I barely saw PB anymore. What's going on? I decided to leave my house to visit her to ask what's going on. Does she even like me anymore?

PB was frantically cleaning and decorating. "What's going on?" I asked.

"What?" She replied, genuinely confused.

"Do you still like me? I have barely seen you in days!"

"Of course I still like you!"

"Then what is this?!? You're keeping secrets from me now!"

PB took a deep breath. "You weren't supposed to know about this until tonight. It's a suprise, Okay?"

I saw the hurt on her face. "I'm sorry babe, I shouldn't have treated you like that." I looked at the floor in shame.

PB shrugged. "Whatever, just come here in your best dress at nine, okay?"

"Yeah I'll be here," I smiled weakly, and began to float away.

"Wait!" She exclaimed. "I forgot to give you this!"

I turned around and floated back to her. She kissed me and said, "I love you."

"I love you more," I whispered between kisses.


A few hours later after returning home, I put on my long, skinny red dress and pulled my hair back into an elegant bun. I took a deep breath and looked with confidence into the mirror. "You can do this, she loves you" I said to myself.

Finally, it was time to leave. I got there as fast as I could without sweating.

~ princess bubblegum's pov ~

Will she like it? Is she ready? Are the people ready? Am I ready? Is she even coming? The questions run through my head along with all the worst possible outcomes of this situation. I look out onto the ballroom where all my subjects are having fun and dancing. I decided to host a suprise ball and come out publicly with Marceline as my girlfriend.

Marceline floated through the doors silently wearing a red gown and her hair up in a bun. The look assentuated her best features. I spoke in a loud voice. "And with this," everyone became silent and turned to me, "with the arrival of my girlfriend Marceline, the ball begins!"

Quiet music began to play and I walked past Candy People, Princesses, and others to meet Marceline. I saw her looking around near the door. "Hey, Marcy," I said quietly.

She began crying and hurried to me. "I love you so much, babe! I can't believe you did all this for me,"

I smiled. "I love you too, now come on, let's go dance," I took her hand and led her to the dance floor. She put her hands around my waist, and I put mine on her shoulders. We glided around in circles, never looking away from each other's eyes. Time seemed to stop. All that matters is that Marceline loves me, and I love Marceline, and that the Candy People love us.

~ marceline's pov ~

Bubblegum went to find a place to sit while I got us some fruit punch from the snack table. There, I saw Flame Princess and LSP talking and laughing. I tried to stay quiet in case they hate me for letting out one of FP's secrets. I was unsuccessful. "Hey Marceline!" FP called to me. "I know I told you not to tell anyone that I'm bisexual, but thanks!" She laughed. "I'm dating LSP now, and we're very happy, thanks to you."

I smiled as the weight of the guilt lifted off of my shoulders. "No problem, and sorry about that also, it just slipped out, I promise!"

We talked for a few minutes then I finally got the fruit punch and returned to our table. We sat and talked and flirted and laughed. "Damn, I love you so much," I said during a minute of silence.

Bubblegum blushed at the randomness. She smiled to herself. "I love you more!" She said playfully.


About an hour and a half had passed, and no one seemed to have any intention of leaving anytime soon. "Is there a window open? It's getting really cold," Bubblegum looked at me and asked.

I looked around. "I don't see one, but I don't know."

Suddenly the door burst open. "QUACK!" Hundreds of penguins stood in front of the castle like an army. Leading the pack was Gunter.

I stood up and ran to them. "Gunter! Did Ice King send you? Because you can tell him to back off, okay! I'm dating PB and he needs to get over it!" I slammed the door and turned around to walk back to the table.

The door swung open again, but no one had opened it. "Quack." Said Gunter, and all of the Penguins came storming in...


Well that's a thing lol :P

So next time is the Battle because Gunter is an evil mastermind (obviously)

So, till then! (And after the giiffffff)

So, till then!  (And after the giiffffff)

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~ Ricky

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