~ chapter one ~

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marceline's pov ~

I floated through the freezing, winter air to get to Bonnie's house.  I couldn't wait to see her, but even more than that I couldn't wait to get out of the cold.  The sky was black but the moon was shining bright.  The moon's light reflected off the fresh snow.  It was so beautiful.  It reminded me of her.

Bonnie. Bubblegum.  PB.  Bonnabel.  Whatever you want to call her.  She's amazing.  So smart, funny, and kind.  I want to kiss her everytime I'm near her.  Sometimes I love her so much I physically hurt.

But she couldn't love me.  I'm a girl.  She's a girl.  She's probably into guys.  I always see Finn look at her lovingly, and I heard that when she became young again, they kissed.  I understand why she would choose him above me, even if he is on the younger side.  He has long blonde hair, he's a hero, and... He has a penis. I've got dead black hair, I'm the same gender as her, and... I'm a monster. A vampire. She could never love me.

When I arrived at the palace, Bonnie was sleeping.  She usually was when I came over.  She had my t-shirt on.  I could feel a smile forming on my face.  That's so cute, why would she always wear the shirt I gave her?

After watching her for a little bit, I approached her.  "Hey," I said, shaking her slightly, "hey Bonnie, wake up."

PB looked up groggily.  "Finn is that you?" I looked at the floor, embarrassed.  That's who she wants to see, I thought. "Oh wait, hey Marcy!"

"Hey PB," I said.  "C'mon I gotta show you something."

Bonnie rubbed her eyes. "Ok"

I grabbed her bridal style and floated outside.  We sat on the roof of the Candy Castle.  "Look at the sky, the moon and how it reflects off the snow.  Isn't it beautiful?" I murmered dreamily.

PB nodded and leaned against me.  I could feel her breathing: in, out, in, out.  I could feel her heartbeat.  I felt my cheeks get hot.  Should I tell her?

I decided to JUST DOOO IT!  "Hey Bonnie?"

PB looked up at me, "yep?  What is it Marcy?"

My cheeks began to flare a very ugly shade of red, I was sure.  "I-uh-umm think it reminds me a lot of you,"

She looked confused.  "What?"

"It's just I'm like the dark sky, boring and totally lame and sad.  But you're like the moon, bright and beautiful.  I guess what I'm trying to say is you light me up.  Make me happy when I'm sad, and bring out the best in me.  Thanks PB."

She smiled up at me and kissed my cheek.  I smiled and she leaned closer to me.  There was so much peace and we just sat there until eventually she fell asleep on my shoulder.  I returned her to her room, unsure of whether or not she would remember what just happened.

"Goodnight B," I whispered and kissed her forehead.


So that's the first chapter!!!   Sorry there wasn't that much communication but they'll talk more soon :)

Thanks for reading, love ya lots

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Ricky ~

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