~ chapter five ~

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Last time: Marceline confessed her feelings to PB after getting advice from Flame Princess.  PB admitted to feeling the same way and they kissed.  PB agreed to go on a date with Marceline...

~marceline's pov~

She said yes.  My head is spinning.  I just want to stay here forever: kissing her, loving her.  Soon we pull away from eachother, never looking away from eachother's eyes.  Bubblegum has beautiful eyes.  They were pink and black and matched her pastel pink skin-tone.

"So where do you want to go... I mean, like, for our date?" she asked.

"I don't know, wherever you want to go," I replied nonchalantly.

"I think we should keep it simple... Do you want to get ice cream or something?" She said.

"I LOVE ICE CREAM YAAASSS!" I replied.  Dude seriously I love ice cream.

She giggled, "okay"

I picked her up from the Candy Castle as soon as the sun went down.  We headed to an ice cream store  in the outskirts of the Candy Kingdom.  The store was cozy: warm, barely lit, and had just a few people there.  It was very relaxing and added to the romantic feel between me and PB.

I ordered a red sherbet ice cream with a red velvet cone.  She ordered a strawberry ice cream in a cup. We made small talk until Bonnie decided to speak up about some important stuff...

"Who should we tell?" She asked.

"Hmm?" I replied.  PB caught me off guard and she frowned at my confused response.

"I said," she started, "who should we tell?  Like, about our relationship?"

I shrugged.  "I mean, not LSP.  FP was pretty chill about it.  Finn would probably freak... I think he still has a crush on you..."

PB looked shocked.

"Did you not know that Finn had a crush on you?" I asked.

"No, no I knew that.  Did you already tell Flame Princess?" She asked.  She looked angry and scared.  I was disappointed in myself for not knowing that she would react like this.

"I mean, I went to her for advice... I thought you didn't like me!  I was scared and confused!" I explained.

PB just nodded.  Is she angry?

She started to look worried.  "I'm not angry at you.  Flame Princess is really nice... But she and Finn are really close.  She'll probably tell him... O my glob this is terrible..."

I was confused. "I mean is it really that big of a deal?"

She nodded.  "I haven't told you this, but Finn sends me love letters all the time.  It's horrible.  I try to tell him that I'm not interested, but he doesn't listen.  Flame Princess has no idea.  She's too good for him, I'm telling you."

I slowly nodded, starting to understand.  "So are you saying that, if Flame Princess tells him, Finn might like, freak out and stuff?  And they might break up?"

She nodded.  "I think it's time to tell her.  It's not fair that she has to be in a relationship with someone who would do this... Will you come with me to the Fire Kingdom tomorrow?"

"Definitely." I reply.

We sat and finished our ice creams in silence.  It was awkward.

"Sorry for asking you to come here.  I should've known... Dinners are HORRIBLE for first dates..." She said, looking like she was about to cry.

~bubblegum's pov~

"Sorry for asking you to come here. I should've known... Dinners are HORRIBLE for first dates..." I said, after a few minutes of silence.  I felt like I was going to cry.  Marceline would never like me, seeing how boring  and awkward I am.

Marcy got up from her chair and floated over to me.  "Nah, it's fine.  It's like a rule... First dates have  to be awkward!"  She looked at me with a lopsided grin.

I laughed, but tears began to fall down my cheeks.  "There's no way you'll like me after this!  I'm boring and awkward and weird and ugly!  You're way too good for me!"  I began to get up to leave.  "I'll just leave, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pressured you into this..."

Marcy grabbed my arm as I tried to walk out.  She looked me straight into the eyes.  "Babe... You didn't pressure me into this!  I've liked you for years.  You're beautiful and kind and smart and... just... amazing.  I love you so much.  I shouldn't, I know... I mean this is only the first date.  But I do, I love you a lot."  I noticed that tears were beginning to form in her eyes too.

I sobbed and hugged her.  "I love you too, Marcy.  I love you so much!"

When she pulled away, I was glad to see that no one else was there.  News about "The Disgusting Lesbian Princess Bubblegum and Her Vampire Girlfriend" would be a big disaster for my career.

I looked back at her, just to see she had been looking at me the whole time I'd been glancing around.  I smiled.

She leaned down and pecked my forehead.  I couldn't help but blush.  The most beautiful girl in Ooo loves me.

A few minutes later, she floated us back to the Candy Castle and I put on the shirt she had given me.  I fell asleep in her arms and felt more loved and happier than I had ever been.


Bubbline is soooooo adorable oh my glob I can't even 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Sorry if I'm ruining everyone's image of Finn.... (but also not).  I love Flame Princess I just had to bring her back next chapter :D


Till then ya tater tots :P

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Till then ya tater tots :P

Ricky ~

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