~ chapter two ~

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Last time: Marceline floated to the Candy Castle to talk to PB.  PB was sleeping, but Marcy woke her up.  They looked at the dark sky with the bright moon.  Marceline admitted that the sky reminded her of PB, and PB kissed her on the cheek.  Bubblegum fell asleep and Marceline put her back in bed.

~marceline's pov~

As I floated home that night, I couldn't help but wonder: will she remember this in the morning?  I honestly don't know.  She was tired and groggy, she might not have even known it was me.  She did call me Finn when I arrived... What was that about?

I returned home and used my bass guitar to vent my feelings.  Singing always makes me feel better.

"Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am home again

Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am whole again

Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am young again

Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am fun again" (Adele, 21, Lovesong)

Soon I put my guitar down and drifted off to sleep...

I woke up a few hours later, my skin burning because I forgot to close the curtains before I went to sleep.  The sky was just so beautiful...

I hissed and grabbed my sweater, jeans, and huge hat.  I realized I was out of SPF 1,000,000 sunscreen so I would have to wear this all day.  Oh well.  I have to go to PB's to get more sunscreen.

I floated over, getting lots of scared looks from the candy people.  I felt so embarrassed.  Hopefully no one recognizes me.

I finally got to the Candy Castle.  PB was still asleep.

"Hey PB," I said.

~bubblegum's pov~

"Hey PB."  It was Marceline.  How long have I been asleep?  The sun is shining.  I must've fallen asleep on the roof.

"Hey Marcy, what's up?"  I rubbed my eyes.

"I really need more of the SPF 1,000,000 sunscreen," I said, embarrassed.

She smiled, "no problem!"

We went to my lab, but I could tell that she was feeling uncomfortable about last night.  I don't know if I should say something...

"So do you remember anything from last night?" asked Marceline.

My cheeks flared.  "I'm so sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I was just out of it I didn't mean to!  I know I shouldn't have kissed you I didn't think I'm so sorry!" I blurted.

She looked at the floor.  " it's fine," she muttered.

Frick, I really messed things up.

I gave her the sunscreen and she muttered "bye"

And without another word, she floated away.

~marceline's pov~

I sat under a tree, crying.  "What's wrong, Marcy?"  It was the Ice King.

I hugged him and began sobbing, "Oh Simon, it's a long story! You would hate me!"

"I wouldn't hate you, Marcy!" He exclaimed.

"I don't know man, it's about Princess Bubblegum... I think I'm in love with her. I am in love with her." I replied hesitantly.

"That's ok, I'm into Fiona now." He said matter-o-factly.

"Oh, ok!" I replied, happily, "wait.... Isn't she just a character from your fan fiction?"

"SHE'S NOT JUST A CHARACTER!  GOD MARCELINE WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?  Ok, ok, yeah she's fictional but you know what it's fine, FIGHT ME MARCY!"  said Simon.  "Ok so what happened with you and PB?"

I sobbed through the whole story, explaining how I'd had a crush on her for years and how sometimes I thought she reciprocated the feelings.  I told him about how much it broke my heart when she kissed Finn.  I told him about how she called me Finn when she woke up, but then kissed me later that night. I told him, crying even harder, that she apologized so many times and said that she didn't mean it like that.

Simon hugged me, "it's alright Marcy!  You'll be fine, screw her.  That's what I did!" I laughed then cried harder.  I don't want to let this go.  I love her, I really do.

"But I love her!" I cried.

Simon looked puzzled.  He looked at the ground, thinking.  "Well, you could kidnap her!"

I gave him a dirty look.

"Well, ok, no, but I guess you could just talk to her then..." He said quietly.

"Yeah, but I'm really nervous and scared... actually terrified." It's true.  Facing her again gives me so many emotions: I'm scared, frustrated, sad, but being around her gives me happiness and hope.

"Wait! Wait! I have a good idea!  You could ask Flame Princess for advice!!!" he exclaimed quickly.

I was surprised that actually good advice came out of Simon's mouth.  Well, Ice King.  I smiled slightly. "Ok, I'll do that," maybe there is hope.

"Thanks Simon," I said.

"No problem, Marcy," he replied.  His beard spread and he began flying away.

I started on my way to the Fire Kingdom.


So there's chapter two!!!  How'd you like it?

I may or may not have written this during English class... *~*

Oh well :P

So next chapter we'll be visiting the Fire Kingdom whoop whoop get hyped!

Well anyway.... GIF OF THE CHAPTER


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Till then!

Ricky ~

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