Now, the last phase of the plan.

I took out a small box from my bag. A smile graced my lips as I opened it. Inside crawled a spider as big as the size of my palm. I stole it from the science lab. He was gonna flip when he saw this. Asher was terrified of spiders. It was the only thing that he could never think of coming in ten miles radius.

I was playing with spiders when he was still learning how to crawl. I took the spider out of the box and walked to the bedside table.

I sat on the bed and gently put the spider inside the lamp.

"Take care spidey," I cooed and was about to go when my eyes fell on something kept on the table.

It wasn't there before. I picked up the photo frame and looked at the picture. I traced my fingers over it and smiled. It was a picture of the three of us when we were only six or seven.

We were grinning while looking at the camera like we had no care in the world. We were in the backyard and the twins had on identical clothing. I could still tell who was who. The one looking at the camera and smiling sweetly was Ashton. And the one holding me to his side and grinning mischievously was Asher.

Back then everything was so easy. We didn't have any problems. We were just little kids whose only problem was to do the homework or else mom wouldn't let us play.

I looked so happy. It was before all the drama. Before I started liking Ashton more than a friend. Before Asher started being mean to me. And most of all before we grew apart.

Memory was such a funny thing. It would give you happiness for a moment then leave you with sadness for all the things you no longer had.

My phone rang. I picked it up.

"I am all done," Megan said.

"Good. I am done too," I told her. "I'll come down in a bit," I said and hung up.

I put the frame back on its place and stood up. I had almost forgotten about yesterday. But seeing this photograph made it all come back. I walked out of that room with the knowledge that Ashton would never like me back the way I did.

Megan was waiting by the door with her hands on her pockets when I got there. She smiled as she saw me but then it soon turned into a frown when she saw my expression.

"You okay?" she asked.

I nodded and gave her a small smile. She seemed to doubt it and opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off.

"We should go before they come back," I said.

She nodded and we made it put of the house.

"Can I ask you something?" she said.

I looked at her to see what she was getting at. I didn't want her to ask why I was suddenly feeling low. I didn't want to explain or remember whatever happened yesterday.

"Yes," I said hesitantly.

"How did you even get your hands on the house keys," she asked.

I let out a relieved laugh.

"Oh that. Linda, their mom gave them to me," I told her.

She furrowed her eyebrows as if to say why would she do that.

"I am staying with them for the moment. My dad's gone to visit my grandmother and to do some business stuff. So, yeah I am living with the Satan," I told her.

She chuckled at that.

"Whatever he did to you to deserve that title," she said.

A thought crossed my mind at that.

"I have my reasons but why do you hate him so much?" I asked.

"I don't hate him," she said simply.

I looked at her with narrowed eyes. She had to have a grudge of some kind for agreeing to help me.

"What? I said I don't hate him. I just don't like him either. In fact, I don't like any of the kids who go to our school. Except you of course," she added.

I shook my head at her then dropped her home.

I came back just as the twins were getting out of Ashton's car. Perfect timing. I won't miss anything.

"Hey Ellie," Ashton smiled at me when I got out of my car, not having a single clue how he broke my heart yesterday. I returned his smile when in reality all I wanted to do was curl up in a corner and rock.

Asher was watching our exchange with a scowl.

"I am starving," Ashton announced and walked to the door. "You want something?" he asked when he passed Asher. He glared at him. What was that about?

"Alrighty. I'll just make sandwiches for Ellie and me then," Ashton said and I watched him go inside.

"Where are you coming from now?" Asher asked and I averted my gaze from the door.

"Me? Oh I was just running some errands," I said and cursed myself mentally for not sounding more confident.

He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Why do I get a feeling you're up to something?" he asked.

"What?" I let out a chuckle. "You are delirious," I blurted and ran inside. I could feel him shooting daggers at my skull.

Inside, Ashton was helping himself with a cheese sandwich. I was fighting an inside battle whether I should go inside or not. At last I went inside.

"Have one," he said with stuffed mouth and shifted a plate towards me.

I scrunched up my nose at way he was eating and he chuckled. Boys eat like pigs.

"How was practice?" I asked trying to make a conversation. Trying to make being around him less awkward for myself. I took a bite of the sandwich.

He swallowed before talking again.

"It was good. We are having another match soon. Coach thinks we would make it to the big game this year," he said excitedly.

I smiled a real smile. It was always refreshing to see him smile.

"You will," I told him.

"What are you up to by the way?" he asked.

I raised my eyebrows and then I realized what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about?" I said feigning innocence.

He smirked.

"I know you are up to something Ellie. I can see it in your eyes," he said. "What is it?"

I pouted. How come they could always tell what I was up to?

Then I told him my plan he listened to it with a glint in his eyes. And just as I finished telling him the plan we heard a girly shriek from upstairs.

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Also expect more updates as I am on vacation! 😁😁😀😀
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