Chapter 10 - New Students & Surprises

Comenzar desde el principio

They all looked at me. "Emerson Emberlynn Larove?" Amara asked. That's her middle name? I nodded. "You actually succeed in making Emerson to be in a relationship." I laughed. "Pretending actually. On her first day she was bullied. Second day she was beaten." Kelly eyes widen. Taylor grabbed her Friend arm close. "Sorry. She's sensitive on that part. Where is our class?" "Follow me." I smiled. Before I turned I looked at Kelly. "Don't worry. I asked my Cousin to get him to taste his own medicine." She nodded and I lead them to their first class.

"Before I forget.... You three will have the same class with Emerson. Every bit of it. Except after school activity. That you have to choose yourself." I smiled and stopped in front of a door. "First class Maths. Good luck." I knocked on the door and waited for the teacher to opened it. "Hello Nia..." "Hello. I have three new student entering your class." The teacher looked behind me. "Come in." She opened the door wide enough for us to entered. When they stepped their foot in, Amara gasped, so does the other two.

"EMERSON!!!" They yelled and ran towards her. I could see how confused and surprised Emerson is. She abruptly stand and all three of them hug her. I also noticed the boys watched their ass close and they practically imagining inappropriate stuff. I cleared my throat. "Have fun girls." I said and waved at them. "Thanks Toni." They all said and I laughed. I close the door behind me and walked towards my class. "Toni huh.." I shake my head.


I'm done with my class and was surprised to see Emerson, Clare and her friends waiting for me and Ann outside. "Hey. What's up? Nice seeing you again girls." The three British girl smiled at Ann. "Hello Annabelle. Likewise." "They insisted we wait for you two..." "Why?" I asked. "We're curious about you and Emerson. Toni.... Kiss her." Kelly said. Emerson closed her fiends mouth. "She's kidding. Don't do it Nia." I smiled and walked towards her.

I grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. At first she didn't respond my kiss. But slowly I could feel her mouth opened and letting me inside her mouth, exploring every corner of her sweet inside. I pulled away and leaned in to her ear. "I hope you remember what I told you on our little sleepover. I really mean it when I said that I like you." I turned to Kelly. "Is that enough?" She nodded. Taylor and Amara only smiled at us. "Now. Let's go to the cafeteria. I am hungry." Ann and I walked first.

Adelaide join us soon enough and Clare introduced her to the new students. Once a while I turned to looked at Emerson. She's awfully silent. Did I do something wrong? Did my action triggered her anger? I want to apologise but her face showed me she's not happy at all. What if she yell at me? We all entered the cafeteria and went to our usual table. I noticed Emerson just sit and didn't looked up. All she do is looking at her phone and text. Her friends must noticed it too because they all looked at me.

"Do something." Kelly mouth at me. I shrugged. I don't know what to do. I turned to Ann for help. Ann ignored me. So does Clare. These two is trying to killing me. "Ummm... Emerson.." She looked up. "Did I do something wrong? If so I'm sorry. Please say something." Emerson remained poker face. "I want to talk in private." She said and stand. I lead her to a empty classroom. "Yes?" I watched her pacing back and forth. "Did you do this?" "Do what?" I asked. "This... My friends... Here.." I shake my head.

"I don't even know them until last week. That's when the principal gave me her orders." "Why do you like me Nia. I'm not like your others choice of girl. I'm not perfect. Long story short, I am legally a woman but with man part." I smiled and touched her cheek. "Emerson. That never occur to me. 3 years. For 3 years I waited for you. I've dated many types of people but none like you. You don't even try to touched me when you see me." I touched her other cheek and smiled.

"Emerson... You respect me as a woman while others don't. They see me as a sex symbol because of what I wear and my attitude. They don't even know me well. You obviously forget about me but you still remember how I want to be treated. Your flaws is what make you the most perfect person Emerson. Your flaws make you original. Your flaws make me more attracted to you..." I said and waited for her reaction. I could feel her hands on my waist.

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