Let's all meet the family...

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I guess I do understand," I just stared at him already knowing that he was telling the truth about them not killing people.

His brown eyes looked at me but I kept my gaze on the floor.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this but, since we have 12 guys in the house, you have a roommate."

We climbed the stairs in the house and opened the first door on the right. It was a dark green room with 2 beds one on each side of the room. The room was covered in posters of bands. Actually all of the bands that I loved. This is going to be great.

I looked at him and smiled. "So who's my roommate? Cause they have a great taste of bands."

He looked at me and smiled back. "Actually, you're rooming with me."

"Oh, cool." I said while still smiling. This is going to be awesome rooming with a hot guy.

Ryan lifted up my two trunks and set them on my bed.

"Thanks." I said as I lifted mine to put in on my bed too.

But when I went to swing it up on my bed, it of course, had to pop open. And what was in it? Thank god it was only tee shirts that I had gotten from concerts.

Ryan quickly knelt to the ground and started to help me pick up the things that had fallen. Each time that he would pick up a shirt, he would have to read the band name. At each shirt he smiled. He even laughed at the shirt from a Cute is What We Aim for concert. It said, "Isn't cute what everyone aims for, because I don't aim for ugly..."

"Hey do you ever wear this? Cause if your aiming for ugly, it's definitely not working..." He was smiling when he said it. But it wasn't a cocky, I'm-going-to-get-in-your-pants smile. It was just a kind and flirty smile.

I smiled back at him. "Never heard that one before." We both started to laugh.

"Well it's true...just saying." He started to look at the floor sheepishly.

"Ha whatever...you do know that it's bad to lie, right?" I looked at him and smiled. His gaze came back up to my eyes.

"I wasn't lying though," He started to say.

"Sure you weren't," I said.

"But I wasn't ly--" Ryan got interrupted by me kissing him. Ryan pushed her away lightly.

"What was that for?" he started to ask as he pulled away.

"I needed a way to stop you from lying." I said like the kiss was nothing. I then got up from the floor and started to pull the shirts from the bed and started to put them in our closet. I looked in the closet and saw that there was no room for my clothes. I turned around to face him but then I noticed he was a lot closer than I thought.

"Oh, umm, where can I put my stuff?" I asked suddenly feeling awkward.

"Oh, you can just put them in the dresser," he said while he turned and pointed at the oak furniture.

"Kay, thanks" I mumbled towards the floor because I couldn't stand looking at him in the eyes.

He came over to me and took some of the shirts I was holding. When we were done he asked, "Do you want to go downstairs and meet the rest of the guys?"

"Yeah sure..."

We started to go down the stairs, when I saw five other gorgeous looking guys looking at me. We ignored them and continued to walk, hoping they would follow us outside. Which they did, finally when we got outside. We decided to sit around the pool putting our feet in the water while the rest of the guys were swimming. One by one they introduced themselves.

"I'm Benny, and I'm 3. You're pretty." He said with a small smile. I just laughed and smiled back at him.

"Hey, I'm Derek and I'm 9, and you are?" He said trying to act all cool.

"I'm Aria, and I'm 16." I said in a creeped out way.

"Hey, I'm Alex, and I'm 12. You are very pretty, if I might say. My room is right across from yours if you ever wanna talk." He said with a grin. He started to wink at me too. Weird.

"What's Up, Im Seth and I'm 19. I must agree with the rest you are pretty. But I can't say anymore because I'm taken." He said very kindly.

"Hey, I'm Sean and I'm 20. I'm the oldest of them all. Sorry if they are annoying you. But they don't see many girls, because they go to an all guy school." He started. "But I'm sorry about the annoying thing but Seth and I can't really help you there because we are in college so we are mostly never here."

"That's fine." I said

I looked over to see 3 identical boys and I knew they were triplets. The boys were very built but I could kind of tell that they were younger than me by their actions.

"Hey I'm Justin, this is Jayden, and that's Jordan. And we're 15." He said while he pointed to each of them.

I didn't know how I was going to keep them separate. Hopefully they acted differently when they were alone.

"And you already know us," Ryan started to say while a blush crept up his cheeks. He had been staring at me all night and I didn't know why. I mean, the kiss wasn't a big deal. He shouldn't be thinking about it.

But I guess I would be thinking about it too if someone kissed me to shut myself up.


Author's Note

Hey, guys just wanted to do my first auther's note. I just wanted you to know that I wrote the first 2 chapters all by myself but now for this chapter, I thought I would let my friend Ali help me out.

So thanks Ali!!!

But anyways, sorry that my uploads aren't really fast, we can only do this while we are in DST.

But anyways, thanks! We check how many views we have all the time.

But try to vote and PLEASE COMMENT! We really want some feedback on this guys!

Peace, Rach and Ali <3 (:

Going to a Delinquent School for Boys, While Living with 11 of Them...Where stories live. Discover now