Chapter 41: Finale Pt I

Beginne am Anfang

"I'll be fine." He told him. Eric smiled and told him he would be back before he left out. "I need a blunt."

"Too bad. You wanna change your clothes now?" Somi asked him.

"Don't feel like it." He whined. Somi gave us the signal for us to leave out for a second so we all did, leaving just him and his sister. "Don't leave m—"

"I hate hospitals man," Kaleb said.

"That's cause you got stabbed and now you scarred for life." Ray told him.

"You right, but yo ass was the one cryin thinkin I was gon die." He reminded her. She rolled her eyes.

"You got stabbed?" Tiara asked him.

"Yeah, and before y'all ask it wasn't by Lenci. It was like a year or so ago at a party. I sliced his ass right back too, shit. Nigga stabbed me cause Lenci drunk ass made me bump into 'im."

Ray laughed and added, "And KiKi started callin you Slice 'N Dice."

"Y'all can come back in now," Somi told us. When we all got back in the room, Manny was posted up on the bed under the blanket. "I will be back," Somi walked out the room.

Jalisa was texting away on her phone wit a smug look on her face. Tiara noticed me lookin at her and went over to see what she was doing.

"Alex, when can I get out of this place?"

"Depends, maybe a day or two or three..or four." He told him. He sighed and looked around the room.

"I got a midterm Monday man, damn." He complained. "Where ya girl go, Ques?" He was too wrapped up in his phone to hear him. "Marques!"


"Nevermind, she right there." Manny told him as his sister came back in the room. She went and climbed in the bed wit him. "Outta all the places to sit, you had to get all up under me." He was talkin shit but he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Alex pulled Rima onto his lap.

"My sister was runnin around the house naked yesterday." Montae said randomly.

"Again?" I asked. He laughed and nodded.

"That's what I said! Her ass too big for her to be runnin around the house like that, fuck around and catch a cold."

"She's only seven, maybe she likes it." Ray told him.

"No, I mean her ass is too big. Have you seen her butt?"

"That's the same thing I say about Tosin, don't make sense." Dre agreed.

"Like ain't it supposed to stay flat until puberty?"

"Is your mom thick?" Somi asked Montae.

"It feels weird callin my mom thick, but yeah. I guess it's expected for Meags since we got all these different backgrounds goin on." He said, makin a face. Rima asked him what he was mixed wit and he blew out a breath. "A lotta shit: Cuban, Irish, British, Canadian, Grenadian, Native American, Scottish and some others I can't remember."

We all looked at him.


"Could I touch your hair?" Tiara asked him.

"No, creep." He told her. She sighed and crossed her arms. I chuckled at her. "Not that I give not even a thousandth of an ounce of a fuck, but what happened to your neck?"

"Somebody choaked me." She said, touching her neck.

"Who was it so I can send them a gift basket." He asked.

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