When I finally arrive at my destination i tell clar thanks and i'll see her later. She drives off. I walk over to the bench near the lake and wait. Then suddenly i feel a warm breath against my neck and hear the soft whisper.
"Hello nikki... glad you could make it,''i shiver and turn around and my eyes get big.
He smiles big and bows.
"Hello nikki... you look great,'' I hear the hint of sarcasm and roll my eyes.
"Sorry, didn't know i had to dress up," he laughs.
"Nik, chill, i was just kidding. you look fine," I nod.
"Good cause I ain't changing," he laughs.
"Okay well come with me." He starts off  walking around the lake and I follow with my arms crossed. Where.... Are we going?.....  This dude.. Gosh he's so confusing with his smolder and darkness... I don't even know how to describe how much he is... I don't even know.. He's kinda cute though.... But eh i don't know.. Ugh...
"Nik! Watch out! You about ran into a tree," he says as he jerks me back gently. I jerk back to reality and whisper.
"Sorry...," he shakes his head.
"Just be careful.. Okay?" He says it like he's actually concerned and like he actually cares. Haaaaaa I bet it's fake, I nod.
"Yeah okay." He gives me a look then continues walking. Maybe he's not such a douche bag after all.. Okay Nikki pay attention. He turns into the woods. I hesitate then follow. He keeps walking and a few feet later there's a road and a motorcycle parked on the side of it. I look at it the at Raven then back at it.
"Um.. Where'd you get that?" He laughs.
"Have you met my father?" I consider it and then nod.
"Yeah true," he hops on and pats the space behind him. I laugh.
"Uh no," he gives me a hurt look.
"What? You don't trust me? Or are you just to chicken to get on?" I laugh.
"Uh, ha um, no I don't and i am not chicken!"
He laughs really hard and then starts making chicken noises.
"Bock ba bock bock, bock," I cross my arms and stomp foot and look at the sky rolling my eyes.
"Uh so not fair!" He laughs.
"Chicken chickennnnnn you are a chicken," I glare at him and grunt.
"Fine porcupine," I say and get on the back.  He laughs.
"Porcupine? Um you need to be closer, wrap your arms around my waist and hold on tight." I roll my eyes then scoot closer and do as he said. Dayyummm he has a hard stomach jeez. He laughs starts it then pushes off and goes at what feels like 10000000 miles an hour. Oh lord..... Aren't we supposed to have helmets..? I shrug and laugh. He drives for a super long time sometimes scaring me by leaning to the side making me pull closer and hold on tighter. He'd laugh when I'd scream and then go faster. He should not be allowed to drive this thing.. He pulls up to the bridge of some river. He parks and then hops off.
"Haha your hair looks nice Nik," I get off then look in his mirror and laugh.
"Um wow looks great," it's everywhere.
"Now.... That your out here with me guess what. You have to stay with me cause you don't know where we are and how to get back annnnd you don't know how to drive a motorcycle," I give him a look.
"Oh my god what now?" He smiles and then  gives me an evil look.
"Hope your not afraid to get a little dirty... And soaked," he whispers the last part.  My eyes get big and I whisper.
"What do you mean?"  He laughs and takes my hand. He pulls me over the the rail that looks like a beam and climbs up on top of it. He tries to pull me up and I pull away.
"Raven! Are you crazy?!" He laughs.
"I've done this before. I'm alive," he takes my hand and pulls me up. I look down and instantly regret it. Omg im going to die... OMG omg omg...........
"Nikki ouch...," he's trying to get his hand away and I'm not letting him. I see it and let go.
"Sorry," he shakes his head and laughs.
"Okay we jump in on three okay?" I nod. Why not?
"1....2....3!" He takes my hand and pulls my with him I look down and laugh it feels like it's forever before I... *splosh!* hit the water.. I'm under and I swim around then then make my way to the top of the water and then pop out and laugh. I look up and realized that I just jumped off of a 600 foot bridge into a river.
I start looking for Raven and then panic. Where are you?.... I see his head and the swim over to it and tap his shoulder. He pops out.
"Hey Nik," he laughs and rubs his hand through his hair.
"Hey, you scared me,"
"Sorry, it was fun though right?" I laugh.
"Yeettt haha," he smiles. Raven just smiled at me....... Like a real smile...
"Good, wanna jump again?" I nod.

*Few hours later*

I'm sitting inside a McDonald's with Raven. Both still soaked. He's talking about some band and I'm completely zoned. I'm pretty tired after all the jumping into pretty cold water we did. He's not what I expected. He's nice... And funny. A dare devil. And he's just.. Raven. His smile is cute. His teeth are cute and almost perfect. His eyes are gorgeous. Wish I had eyes like that.  The lady calls our number and he gets up. That snaps me back to reality and I watch. He gets the tray and brings it too me and then goes and gets our drinks. I whisper "thanks...," when he brings it to me. He nods and sits down and eats. The tv above his head is on the news channel. I wasn't really paying attention too it but I hear words I never want to hear again.
"The police are still investigating the murder of Beatrice Preston. They haven't found anything but the body will be buried this Saturday. Send your prayers to Beatrice Preston's daughter Nichole, I'm sure she's going through a lot....," I don't hear the rest I'm just starring at the table. Raven clears his throat and whisper.
"Nik...... I'm so sorry...," a tear slips and I whisper.
"No it's fine Raven it's not your fault," He places his hand on mine and whispers.
"Come on let's get you home."


Hey guys!! Soooooorrrrryyy I've been so busy. I hope you enjoy this chapter it took a long time to write lol. Love y'all

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