Chapter 9: Home Again

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  "For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home." 

― Stephanie Perkins, Anna and the French Kiss   

Jinx's POV

"Daddy Sevy? Is that You?" I meow

Swiftly sevy picks me up and I snuggle into his shoulders. Nice and warm. He smells like Home. I am home, but somehow this home is different. This home doesn't have mommy. One day this home will be right again.

" You're alive. Thank Merlin!" Sevy whispers underneath his breath.

"Why wouldn't I be? Is it because of that evil man, or that weird smelling rat that refused to be caught?" I question in my head

I almost caught that rat. If it only wasn't for my stubby legs, or that annoying black dog, Padfoot, that James liked, chasing him off. Add that to the list of reasons I dislike dogs, and James. 

A normal person may be surprised by my behavior, but I am a smart kitty. I am the best kitty, and daddy Sevy knows that. That's why he loves me. 

" Jinx, where have you been?" asks daddy


That was the only answer he understood. Then I started to feel fuzzy. I only got the feeling when someone puts a translator spell on me. Much better. 

" Daddy, You wouldn't believe what I have been through. There was this evil man, and a rat. Then light, and screams. I was scared daddy so I ran out into the streets. I tried looking for you, but you weren't there. I smelled magic so I followed it down the street. Then I got distracted by the rat. I was hungry, but then Padfoot stepped on me and chased the rat away. 

I got really lost after that, so decided to take a nap in a bookstore to think, and be warm. I stayed there for a long time, but abruptly left because an old man chased me out with some kind of non flying broom. 

Surprisingly I found a familiar sent, one of Minnie, my teacher. I followed her all through surrey, and London. Soon I found The Leaky Caldron and Minnie turned into a magic human. I snuck into her bag and landed here. I don't know how long I wandered. But I'm tired, and hungry. " I explain and complain. 

Sevy goes into the kitchen and grabs one of my old bowls I haven't seen since I was a kitten. He comes back with the bowl full of tuna, and vegetables. 

" Here you go Jinx." says Sevy

He ends the spell, and puts the bowl down. 

I devour the food, and then go onto the couch to snuggle with daddy. He is warm and this underground place is cold except by the fire. Sevy reads for a while and I start to take a nap.

Before I can get to bed, I feel a hairball in my throat I stand up to go find a potty place. Sadly for Daddy it was too late. 


"Sorry Daddy?"

I threw up all over daddy's robes. Stupid rich food. 

We stand up together. Sevy goes and changes into new clothes, while I go in front of the fire. I swiftly fall into a blissful sleep. Oh how I deserved a nap. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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