Chapter 6 Part 2: Through a Tabbys Eyes

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"A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not."
-Ernest Hemingway

Minerva McGonagall's Eulogy:

At first I was upset by the news of Lily and James' were killed and I was sad I couldn't save them but,not for long. Lily and James wouldn't want to be the source of our tears. Don't be sad that they have gone away because what is death, but a new beginning. A wise man once told me that death is just the next big adventure, so don't pity the dead. Pity the living and most of all those who live without knowing love.

I am sad that I will never see them again because there will never be someone like them again, they were so unique. You will see them again when it is your time because that is the way of life. Life and death go hand in hand, one can not happen without the other, it's the circle of life. Never forget James and Lily and they will never leave you. They may be physically gone, but their memory and spirit will stay with you for the rest of your life and for all of eternity.

James and Lily were two of the bravest and stubbornest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. James and Lily were very unique people and I was there for many of their fights when they were younger. I didn't understand until recently how you two ended up together. I now agree that you were the perfect pair. It's like they say, opposites attract after all. Lily was book smart and somewhat shy while James was outgoing,popular and athletic. Lily was an angel and James could be worse than the devil at times.

Lily was always had an odd sense of humor,was kind and determined, but rarely sad or angry at any one. Everyone who ever met her could not help, but love her.

Lily taught me, her professor many important lessons that previously I hadn't thought essential to learn in a society. As a teacher I know a lot about magic, but many things are overlooked daily,and could be simplified.It would take me an entire eternity to explain to you all of the things she has taught me,but I have time for a few. One thing she taught me was how to be strong and to be kind. You told me kindness and understanding can go along way. You are the strongest person I have ever known and you gave me strength when I was weak and felt totally alone..Lily,you were my light in the darkness. When times were sad and tough I looked to you for guidance.

Lily truly was the brightest witch I have ever known. She was much wiser than your years. She understood that at Hogwarts, and in life when we were divided we are weak, but when we are united we are strong and quite a force to be reckoned with. A house with one wall can easily be destroyed, but give it four, or more and it won't be blown over because the walls can depend on each other . The more walls the stronger and safer the house will be. Together we can survive because together we are strong.

Lily always found a way to help and always helped us mend a flaw in out plans. As I see it,you were one of the most valuable members in the entirety of the Order. I will never forget Lily Elizabeth Evans. She made a very strong impact on my life and will forever remain a part of me. As long as I am alive Lily will not just be seen as a casualty in war,she will be known as who she was as a person in life, not just for her quick, valiant act minutes before death.  She will be remembered as the kind,gentle soul that she was,along with the hero and valiant fighter she showed me she could be. Her death is a great loss to the wizarding world. We could all learn a few things from Mrs. Potter née Evans .

James was quite the prankster. He made me laugh. He was a troublemaker, but he made sure nobody got to badly injured when he could help it. James and his friends caused so much trouble during his seven years at Hogwarts. It's like his middle name was mayhem!

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