Chapter 12: The Fantasia Festival

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Okay! News flash! I have good news and bad news. Bad news is that this story is ending soon. I know I meant LONG but I realized that 20 chapters are a lot. I did really enjoy writing this and I'm content that you guys are too! Thanks for all the support! Okay, now the good news. I have decided to write fan fics for the most popular ships in Fairy Tail! Next one I am going to work on is Jerza. Just can't wait! I honestly don't know what to do after that, so if you want either Nalu or Gale next, comment down below. I wrote A LOT for this chapter, so be ready! Anyways, enjoy reading this next chapter.



Juvia's POV

This is it, the day of the Fantasia Festival. Lucy-san and the others have done all their makeup. I've never been so nervous in my life. It's 4:00 in the afternoon, and all the townspeople were wide awake, fanning their favorite guild flags and decorations. I was in my room, in my dress, looking at the mirror.

"Does Juvia look fine to you Gray-sama?" I asked my Gray-sama plushie. His sewn on smile enlightened me.

"Thank you Gray-sama! Wish me luck!" I kissed it on the head, placed it down, and headed out of my room. I freaked when I saw all of my friends staring at me, outside my room.

"Aww. You look so cute!" They said. I flushed red and started to freak out. They all giggled and we all headed for the central part of town. All of the townspeople cheered us on, with confetti flying everywhere.

"Juvia has never seen any of the townspeople be this lively in a while!" I yelled out to Wendy-san next to me.

"Yeah! I kind of miss that too! This is the first time I experienced a Fantasia Festival!" she replied back. Oh yeah, she wasn't part of the guild yet. It was so nostalgic experiencing this again. It seemed like the last one we had was a long time ago.

"We're here!" Mira-san cheered. We all glanced up at the Kardia Catherdral. It was so pretty and decorated with Fairy Tail insignias. After seeing this, I realized how much I love being in this guild. We waved goodbye to the crowd and headed inside. The church was deceiving because it was very spacious on the inside.

"Wow!" Levy-san and I said in unison. The party room was set up to look like a ball. The white tablecloths covered the tables nicely. A big chandelier was hung on the tall ceiling. Along the sides of the walls were a variety of foods and beverages.

"The beautiful women have entered!" We heard Makarov say. He was seated with Mavis near the altar. Suddenly, Erza-san and Evergreen-san pulled away from the group and bowed to them. We were all dumbfounded.

"Master and the First. We promise you that we will win this year," Erza-san said proudly. Cana-san was heading for the beer, but Laki and Lisanna-san prevented her from doing so. Carla-san nudged me and whispered:

"Erza is only focused on defeating the boys for the Mage vs. Witch contest," Levy-san nudged me on the other side, simultaneously talking to Carla-san.

"I know right? Look at her determined eyes," I was about to faint, but I kept my ground. The contest! I totally forgot about that. If we were going to compete against our comrades, I might be paired up with Gray-sama and...

"I appreciate your determination! Good luck to all of you!" Mavis-san said cheerfully. Both of the girls smile and bowed again.

"You ladies can get settled now. The boys will be coming soon, and some of the other guilds," Makarov said. Our group dispersed and we were sccaterred all over the place. Cana-san obviously headed for the booze.

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