Chapter 9: Feelings Of Love

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I'm REALLY sorry I haven't been updating in a while! I know I promised you guys I would post a new chapter every other day, but it is REALLY hard to! Though, I am not gonna give up on trying to finish this! This is a little bit of a shorter chapter so please enjoy!

Juvia's POV

Everyone was shocked when they saw us come into the guild. Bisca-san and Alzack-san immediately ran out to get Porlyusica. Master went to deal with the theft guild, while Natsu helped me get to the Fairy Tail hospital. Wendy-san helped heal me while Mira-san fetched me some food.

"Are you okay Juvia-san? Are you hurt anymore?" Wendy-san asked focusing her magic on my legs.

"Yes. Juvia's fine. Thank you," I slowly regained my magic power, and my heart beat was functioning properly. Lucy-san and Erza-san were out on a job, but after hearing about me, they said they were going to come back right away. I have such great friends, even my love rival. XD. Carla flew in and placed a wet cloth on my forehead.

"You just have a little fever. That's what usually happens after losing a lot of magic. You're going to be okay," she explained, touching my head with her soft paws. I sighed in relief, resting my head back against the fluffy bed.

"Thank goodness it's over. Juvia does not ever want to experience that again," I whimpered. Wendy-san held my hand tightly and gave me her serious look.

"Don't worry Juvia-san. We won't EVER let them mess with our guild again, especially hurting our friend," One tear cascaded down my face and my cheeks turned a rosy pink. I always had to manage to take care of myself, but my comrades are always there, even when I least expect it. The door opened and Porlyuscia-san came in. I was surprised when I saw Gray-sama carrying her suitcase.

"Grandine! How are you?" Wendy-san asked kindly. She let her sit down on her chair, with Carla aiding her.

"I told you child not to use that name! And yes I am. Thank you, my dear," She said in her raspy voice. Wendy-san and Carla went to Gray-sama and smiled. He patted their heads and they headed out.

"Here you go m'am," Gray-sama said, handing her the suitcase.

"Thank you, my son. So, my next patient is you dear hm? Juvia Lockser is it?" I gulped, a little bit intimidated by her.

"Y-Yes m'am," She slowly placed her clammy hand on my forehead and closed her eyes. She took in a deep breath. After a couple more moments, she opened her eyes again and smiled.

"I cannot be able to detect any severe disease or any magic loss. It seems like you're bombarded with emotions. A feeling of being in love," I flushed tomato red, realizing that my love of my life was sitting right next to me. She did a few incantations and gave me medication. Then she packed her bags and was about to head off.

"Makarov will take care of that theft guild, don't you worry. Just take some rest. Be careful next time, dear," And with that, she left. It was a bright sunny day. The hospital room was empty except for me and Gray-sama.

Gray's POV

Looking at Juvia, on a hospital bed made me feel hopeless. Seeing her, hanged on the wall, blood and bruises scattered everywhere on her body, still left a painful feeling inside of me. Damn it. I was too late. I was too late to save her. I clenched my fists and stared at the ground.

"Thank you again Gray-sama," she said softly. I wanted to embrace and kiss her so badly. I wanted her to cry in my arms. I wanted to hold her forever. But all I could say was:

" It's okay. I'll do anything for my comrades," I froze when she suddenly wrapped her arms around me. Her body was shaking and I could feel her tears streaming down my back.

"Juvia thought it was over. Juvia almost lost all of her hope. Without you Gray-sama, Juvia wouldn't have made it out alive," she cried. I couldn't help it anymore. I squeezed her gently in my arms, and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Juvia...I'll always be there for you. No matter where we are. No matter how far. I'll always be there," She sniffled and was breathing normally again. Our heads touched as we stared into each other's eyes. God, she was an angel. I dug my fingers through her hair and smirked.

"What happened to the Juvia who would always smile? And not give up?" I teased. She giggled, as I wiped her tears. At this point, I honestly couldn't sense the curse bubbling up inside of me. Did the effects wear off? During these past days, I just have been endorsed by this overflowing love. I'm afraid my heart can't take it.

"J-Juvia. Can I ask you something?" She sipped a little water from the counter and sighed.

"What is it, Gray-sama?" I was afraid my mouth wouldn't move. I thought the curse would show through. I gulped and took a deep breath.

"Do you want to go to the Fantasia Festival with me?" I blurted. When I saw that look on her face, I was going to have a heart attack.

"Yes Gray-sama! Juvia would LOVE to go with you!" She buried my head in her chest. Her jiggling breasts were making me light headed, but I didn't care. I was already delighted that I asked her and that she accepted it.

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