Chapter 11: Preparation Part 2

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Just read the new Fairy Tail chapter today and I cried! One of the ships became true, but I'm not gonna tell you, so I don't spoil it. :) Enjoy part 2!


Juvia's POV

One more day until the Fantasia Festival. Apparently, Master wanted the male and female wizards separated until the day of the festival, so we started training at the guild's swimming pool. I obviously wore my purple white polka dot two piece and I sat down at the edge of the pool, dipping my feet into the cool water. I soaked in the water vapor from the humid sky and stretched my arms.

"Wow Juvia. I love your hair! It reminds me when you first entered the guild!" Levy complimented, sitting down next to me with her one piece.

"R-Really...Juvia kind of misses this haircut," I mumbled. She nudged me on the shoulder and gave me a thumbs up.

"Gray will like it! I'm sure of it!" I flushed, and shook my head.

"Canon ball!" Mavis san squealed, splashing into the water. We all turned to her and laughed. Wendy-san joined her and so did the rest of the girls. It was just me watching them all splash each other. I smiled at the thought of having such great friends. I don't know what I'd do without them. Lucy-san suddenly dumped a water bucket on me, my body drenched. I wiped my face furiously and looked up at her.

"Why don't you join us!? You are a water wizard after all!" She teased. Then she jumped in the water, intentionally splashing me in the process.

"Okay then! Water Nebula!" I created little whirlpools throughout the pool and water spurted out of them, sprinkling everyone. They all cheered and danced in it, dragging me down with them.

"Juvia thought we were going to train!" I tried to scream out. But everyone was just having a good time, that they couldn't hear me. I guess that didn't bother me, since Gray-sama was all I was thinking about.

Gray's POV

I was extremely tired after today. Tomorrow was the Fantasia Festival and I spent all my time at the shop for a tuxedo. Weird for me right? Though, I was forced to since Gramps didn't want us interfering with the women. He doesn't want us "peeking" while they prepare for the festival. Pervert.

It was late in the afternoon, and Jet, Droy, Gajeel, Lily, and I were forced to set up the booths for the Fantasia parade.

"Work yer butts! We gotta make this perfect! Laxus, we need more wood!" Gramps ordered. Laxus was carrying wooden planks on either shoulder and nodded obediently. If I ever went against him, I'd probably be beaten to a pulp. Someone then slapped my back, making me flinch.

"What's wrong Gray? You tired?" Jet replied, painting the models. I wiped my forehead and started to nail down the base of the booth we were currently working on.

"Not tired. Exhausted. I don't understand why we have to do the hard work, when the other bastards are capable of doing it," I said harshly. Gramps suddenly bonked my head.

"Don't complain child! Natsu and the others are doing something FAR worse," He yapped. My group snickered and continued working. Lily buffed up and chopped the wooden planks in half with his hands.

"So, Gray. I hear you're planning to go the Fantasia Festival with Juvia," He said suddenly. Jet and Droy were surprised and stared at me. I sighed and looked at Gajeel who was eating iron parts.

"You told him. Didn't you," I said bluntly.

"Gee hee,"

"So, that's out. Who are you guys going with?" I asked.

"Levy-chan," Jet and Droy said in unison. I noticed Gajeel turn his attention to them, so did Lily.

"So you all are going together?" I clarified. They nodded proudly.

"We told her and she said she was going to think about it," Jet replied. We all gave ourselves a mental face palm.

"Technically, you don't know if you're going to go with her," Lily said reluctantly. Their faces became blank and then their eyes popped out, sweating pin balls.

"CRAP! It wasn't OFFICIAL!" They squealed. We all laughed hysterically, until Gajeel got on top of the booth, and sat down right in front of them.

"Actually, she didn't think about it. She asked me to go with her right after," Jet and Droy fainted on top of each other. Man, it must hurt losing all their hope for her.

"Are you going to go with her?" I asked him.

"I'll think about it," He grinned and winked. We bro-fisted each other until Gramps started to watch us again. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. This might be the first time I've ever been excited for an event. You have to spend time with her and open up your feelings. Only then you can break the curse. If you're going to apologize about what you did wrong, then that means that you truly love her. That's right. I finally realized, after all this time. I've been oblivious to the point that I hurt myself. I had the plan vivid in my mind. Tomorrow night, when the fireworks are released, I'm going to give her an answer.

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