19. Fangirl Mode Activated

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~Mira Pov~

I was serving drinks as usual when the guild doors busted open

"MIIIRRRAAAAAAAA" huh? I turn around to see happy flying to me with the lacrima recorder and a smirk accorss his face

"Yes happy?" I say

"I got it! Nalu is canon" he beams loudly causing everyone in the guild to stop what they are doing and look are way


"Happy theirs no way" Warren says

"Lyings not manly happy" Elfman says adding his usual 'man' touch

"Im not lying the proofs right here" Happy pouted

I giggle "well lets see what you got"

I hook everything up with my usual lovely smile but on the imside

"alright" i clapped my hands together

"Everythings set happy press play" I told happy

Everyone was crouded around trying to see if what happy said was true

Even Erza!!well thats not a shocker for me since shes the main one I talk to about my ships she likes nalu to hehe

The screen shows up and its Natsu and Lucy k-KISSING


Everyones jaws drop and Erza's and Wedny's faces are all red

"NALU IS CANON OMG OMG OMG EEEEKKK" i jump up and down clappng my hands

"Now thats manly" i hear elfman sout from behind me

I couldn't contain it any longer i fainted

"N-nalu is finally c-canon" i say before evergthing goes blank

~Natsu Pov~

I lick Lucy's ear causing her to moan I shiver from her moan already feeling my pants tighten 

"N-Natsuuuu" she moans my name

"Yes Lucy?" I say as seductively as possible

"I cant wait anymore please" she pleaded

"What is it you want?" I smirk

"Natsu please" she says between moans as I pump a finger in her

"What is it you wish for" I play dumb

She huffs and yells " PLEASE JUST FUCK ME"

I chuckle "your wish was heard loud and clear"

I strip my clothes off and throw them somewhere

Just once ill pull a Gray or maybe more times if its for Lucy hehe

~Happy Pov~

"I still cant believe what we just watched" Max said

"Their probably still sucking faces we can catch them in act" I say as a smirk grows on my face

Mira wakes up from her 'nap' "lets do it" she cheers

"I dont believe it either but lets go see if its true" Lisanna says as she helps Mira's nose bleed

She really needs to watch what she thinks about

"Lets go already" Erza says dragging Max and warren

I giggle a bit before saying my line "AYE SIR"


We reach Lucys door

Everyone looks at Mira

"What?" She says

"Open the door" Erza says

Mira shruggs and opens the door

But right as she opens the door we all here a scream

We all look at each other

"Oh my god"

A/N: two days left until the ftwa are finished dont forget to vote for this story please!:)

Here》 FeariTeiru_W_A

I Do Not Own Fairy Tail


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