18. Not A Stalker

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~Happy Pov~

Natsu had disappeared after the 'two hours' Lucy said she would be back here by I wonder what they are doing

A smirk appeared on my face as I remember Mira and I's conversation

I opened my wings then left the guild with every flap the guild got farther away

"Hehehe I wonder what those lover fish are doing" I snicker

In my green bag that usually holds fish is a lacrima recorder

Operation catch Nalu is on!

I reach Lucys apartment and look through the window to see

OH MY FISH they are suciing faces hehehehehehe

I pull out the lacrima and start recording

Am not a stalker for this am I? Nahh

Once I got enough evidence i stopped the lacrima and make my way back to the guild

ohhh Mira and the guild are gonna love this hehehe


A/N: whew done! I wonder whats gonna happen >:) nyahaha

Also the watty awards are still on going please vote for this book
Here》 FeariTeiru_W_A thank you for you guys support


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