May 30 My Advice to Others

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May 30 My Advice to Others

Writing is easy... Creating is not. It's a hard task to build inside your head a new world, a story filled with characters that have a life or their own; who interact and deal with their own conflicts. It takes time researching, drafting, writing and editing. The process can be frustrating, seem to be endless, but in the end I promise it's worth it. Never give up and write with your heart. Spill every drop of your soul in what you believe will be an amazing story; because it's your story and it's amazing. It might have misspelling error and typos or grammar issues but that don't doesn't diminish the great story it is. Don't stop writing until it's done... Until the final period is placed and then with pride, read aloud your story and edit. Don't be afraid to show the world your work and try out as many different styles and genres as you like. That will make you a versatile writer and you will learn more of what you enjoy: writing.

Tag! Tag! I'm on It!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon