10. the bad boy's other side

Start from the beginning

          "Hey, you walked into my car on your own free-willed," he replies causing me to scoff at him.


          Where the hell is he taking me?


          When people said that Archer is rich. I never never how rich until now. We just rode a freaking airplane with the comfortable seats and everything. And now, we're riding in a limo to - I don't even know where.

          Just how far are we from home?

          After 20 minutes, the limo came to a stop. The driver opens the door for me and I get out, Archer following behind.

          When I first got out of the car, a small cottage surrounded by flowers sits in front of me. My whole face twist in utter confusion.

          I took a few steps to the front porch but Archer stopped me.

          "This way." Archer leads me around the cottage. We walked for a few more minutes in silence until we reached a field of wildflowers. I gaze out into the endless field of beautiful flowers. The sun is starting to set so it's even more beautiful.

          An old oak tree standing alone in the far right of the field catches my eyes. It's the only tree I see in the field.

          "Why are we-"

          Archer avoid my question and walk to the tree. I follow without complaining. He looks really sad right now.

          Archer stops once we're below the tree. I stand by his side, gazing out into the field as the sun sets.

          "It's beautiful here," I breathe out.

          "She loved it here," Archer tells me. I glance at him in confusion at the mention of 'she'.

          He fake a quick smile at me and sits down underneath the tree. I follow suit, waiting for an explanation.

          "Remember when I told you that my only family is my grandma?" He asks, looking at me. I nod my head yes. It was when my nose was bleeding and I went to the infirmary.

          "Well, she wasn't my only family. My grandma hired a nanny to watch over me. I didn't show up on our date because my nanny passed away." I stare at him but he avoids my gaze. I can see he's eyes getting watery but he's trying his hardest to hold back.

          "She suffered from cancer all these years and now she's finally gone. She was my only friend other than Carter and Jace. She was always there for me while growing up without my parents and grandma," he finish explaining.

          Silence begin to fill the air. I feel like I should say something but what do I even say? Sorry is not going to bring back his best friend.

          "I'm sorry," I tell him softly, even though it's not going to fix anything.

          We sat there, underneath the tree, for ten minutes in silence staring out into the field. I didn't complain because I know how it feels to lose someone so important to you. Archer needs some time alone to think and gather his thoughts together.

          I continue to stare at him silently while he stares out into the field. I'm in shock. This is a new side I'm seeing of Archer. I have to admit, I'm starting to get use to him. What happened to the smirking cocky, stubborn, bad boy Archer Bradshaw?

           "You like the view?" Archer turns to me with a smirk on his face. Oh, there he is - the Archer I know.

          I turn to look away from him, embarrass that he caught me staring at him.

          "Let's go," Archer said and gets up, wiping grass and mud off his butt. I do the same. We start walking back to the limo.

          "Admit it. You totally fell for me back there, didn't you?" Archer bump my shoulder. I scoff at him in disbelief. Archer the conceited jerk has returned.

          I sock him hard on his shoulder causing him to lean to his side, almost falling down on the field. He lets out a fake groan as if he was in pain.

          "That hurts," he whines.

          "I have an owie. Now you have to kiss it to make it better." He turns to me, actually expecting me to kiss his 'owie'.

          "Want me to punch your face?" I asked, actually serious about it. I hold out my fist to his face daringly.

          "As long as you kiss it," he replied with a grin. I chuckle and roll my eyes at him.

          Yup, bad boy Archer Bradshaw definitely has returned.


Thanks for reading! :)

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