Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning


"Come on... Just one kiss." William said.

"Will, not here!" Katelyn hissed.

"Just a kiss." He said.


"Please babe?"

"No." Then she smiled cheekily as she took a few steps backwards and William walked towards her, putting his hands on her waist. They both giggled and then he leaned in and kissed her. As they were kissing, she felt him smile through the kiss and so she did too.

"I love you Will."

"I love you too Katelyn."

Then he pushed her on the wall and pinned her and then continued to kiss her. He slipped his tongue inside her mouth then rubbed his hands on her waist and hips.

Then they heard someone cleared their throat and they both pulled away and saw Trent, Rebecca and Luke. "So someone was questioning about making the hallway of the hospital as a hotel, aye?" Trent said half-teasingly and William just gave him a death glare while the others laughed.

"Anyway, we'll be driving Luke home so that he can go to bed already." Trent said. "Catch you guys later!" Then they walked off. William turned to Katelyn and they both giggled and kissed each other again.

"Wanna do it tonight?" He asked cheekily.

Katelyn slapped his chest playfully, "Will!?" she said.

"That was a joke! Now, let's get back to Julian and Emmarie." He said then he put his arms around her and they started walking back to Emmarie's room.


"Sleep well, Luke." Trent said as he put his thick blanket on him and set the alarm clock for him. "Okay. All set. Night Luke." Then he stood up and was about to leave the room when Luke suddenly called him back.

"Trent?" Luke called him.


"Thank you for taking care of me and for treating me like your own nephew. Coming to this house and living with you, Jayden, Julian, William and Zach was the highlight of my life and I would treasure that memory always."

Trent smiled genuinely and then he ruffled his head, "Come here li'l guy!" He said then hugged him tight then wrestled him in his arms. "Just always remember that we love you very much and we are here for you, alright?" Then he patted his back. "Now, sleep time."

"Can you and Rebecca sleep beside me?" he asked him.

He chuckled, "Alright." He said then a few seconds later, Rebecca came into his room in her pink bunny onesie and she was surprised when he saw Trent wearing a dark blue bunny onesie. Luke laughed, "You two are both wearing bunny onesies!" He said. "Dope!" Then he laughed again.

"I knew I would find you here." Rebecca told Trent.

"Well, Luke wanted both of us to sleep here." Trent said. "Ain't that right Luke?"

"Aye Uncle Trent!" Luke said while smiling cheekily.

"Okay. Then sleep time it is!" Rebecca said as she lied at Luke's right side of the bed while Trent on the other side. Suddenly, Luke got both Trent's and Rebecca's hand and intertwined them together and let them rest on his little tummy.

"Goodnight Uncle Trent and Auntie Rebecca." Luke said and then he closed his eyes and it wasn't long until he finally fell asleep.

"He is such a good kid. He doesn't deserve to

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